Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How Japanese Killed Chinese

[Could not upload PDF with pictures here]

Attached mail contains pictures of what those animals in the Japanese army did to the Chinese people during World War II.

Although they did the same to people in all the countries they invaded, the Chinese were particularly targetted because of the ferocious resistance put up by them. In Malaya and Singapore, for example, people of my parents' generation witness first hand the chopping of (mainly Chinese) heads and the display of decapitated heads in prominent places like major road junctions - supposedly to strike fear and hopefully submission into the populace.

The Japanese on the other hand claimed they were 'liberating Asia from the white colonisers'. Just like some western countries today claim they are 'saving' the Afghans, Iraqis, Libyans etc.

[In fact all throughout history, every occupier would say something similar to the local people of the lands they were about to occupy. Alexander to Napoleon in Egypt, the Conquistadors in the Americas, white colonisers of the 18th and 19th centuries like the British in Africa, mid-East and India. They all claim to be 'saviours' but they always turn out to be anything but. Which is why only historical fools believe what the Americans say about their intentions in places from Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya today.]

The Chinese are particularly tough nuts for those screwed up Jap animals probably because of their strong cultural history and the unity of their people. For example, an uncle of mine volunteered to go back to China to serve in the Kuomintang army (he was assigned as a lorry driver carrying supplies over the Burma-China border). When the Japs 'reached' Malaya, a younger brother of his was taken away one night and never returned.

[It is interesting to note that some other races were not treated quite as brutally perhaps partly because a significant part of those people actually believed the 'saviour' story the Japs were spinning and were happy to cooperate. The most notable example were some Indians under a fella called Bose. To be fair, Bose had to choose between 2 devils - the Brits and the Japs - and did not have the opportunity to know the Japs first hand for the Japs never reached India because the Chinese were keeping them 'occupied' - otherwise pictures of Indian heads being chopped off may also be circulating today]

Any Malaysian or Singaporean Chinese of my generation would have heard stories like above via first-hand witnesses in their families. In other words, those bloody Japs were really animals.

That is the reason why until today, the Chinese and Korean people still hold a big grudge against the Japs.

Made worse by some white devils that many idiots of today think are the 'greatest country in the world'.

Firstly, they let the Japs go on with the war and those killings by not fighting the Japs. See how easy the Japs took places like Malaya and Singapore - it was literally a walkover (that means someone didn't want to play). They only 'supported' the Chinese with arms supplied across Burma - probably just enough to keep Chinamen from losing but not enough to win as many Chinamen had to fight with swords! And to ensure the Japs would not reach someone's 'jewel' in India.

[It was the same trick in Europe where the same devils pretended to fight over some African desert and on ships, and let the Germans and East Europeans kill each other by the 10s of millions first before joining in when the tide has already turrned. That's why when their soldiers landed in Europe they were surprised to find that they were fighting German kids! The real men were on the eastern front]

Then and after the Russians started shifting their army to Asia after whacking the Germans (and after a few 10 millions of Chinamen's lives), that white devil decided to 'end' the war in Asia by nuking the Japs (before that they only fought the Japs on small islands or on ships in the Pacific).

[Interestingly, a senator of that devil at that time said that Truman was his 'hero' for nuking the Japs but his mistake was he should have dropped at least 4 of those things instead of 2. Well, that senator finally got his wish 70 years later. Fukushima has 4 of those things... supplied by who else]

First, they wanted the Japs on their side against Russia and a future China (see today) so they let them off with little accountability.

Those so-call war crimes tribunal were a farce. Other than a few top Japanese generals put up for show, few attempts were made to account for the millions of lives those Jap animals took. As example, my father's family never knew what happened to that young son who was taken away. So many Chinamen were killed anyway, so who cares.

Which is why some Japs today claim that all those Chinese and Korean casualty claims and war history books are hog-wash and instead claim that their Jap version of the war history is the correct one.

[For children and half-childs that cannot get it, it is like this. If a mass murder happened and the policeman not only didn't bother to investigate but also told the mass murderer that if the murderer work for him he would be protected, then the mass murderer is left to write anything he likes about the mass murder! The same policeman, on the other hand, says (to the buying fools) that it is all about the right to 'free speech' and the victims' families therefore have no reason to be pissed]

Then in the early 70s, the same devils under Nixon (perhaps because they were running out of gold to support the Dollar Bluff and needed something from the Japs - remember 'temporary suspension of Bretton Woods'?) agreed to the Japs transferring the ashes of those few 'top generals' above to the Yasukuni Shrine. Since then, Japanese leaders make it their point to make regular visits to that so-called 'heroes shrine' of theirs. Thus the unending stoking of Chinese and Korean anger till today.

[It is like China and Korea setting up a 'heroes shrine' for Truman and his admiring 'my hero should have at least 4-nukes for the Japs' senator, and have their heads of governments go visit that place at every anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and then pretend to act innocent]

So nice, every year they can essentially go show Chinamen and Koreans their 3rd finger and say 'hah see, we slaughtered you fellas like pigs and you cannot touch us!'

Many around the world today wonder why Chinamen and Koreans are so sensitive with a simple visit to a shrine. Yah, so simple. The Chinese did not invent paper for no reason.

In his book 'On China' Kissinger said that in all their dealings the Chinese have a few thousand years of history to refer to as guide while the Americans had only a couple of centuries' worth. In his book 'The Argumentative Indians' Amartya Sen noted that Indians had to learn their own early history from 2 major sources - the Greeks and Chinese.

Now you see why many whitemen today die also claim Greece to be the source of everything great with them and why the Chinese would never submit to the Japs? It is their history.

Seven-11 (or is it 7-Eleven?) idiots, on the other hand, would simply sing to any book they can lay their hands on. And then go tell others to 'be a scientist!' Yah, so simple to be a scientist... to be an idiot is infinitely simpler.

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