Friday, August 31, 2007

Social Contract

29/08: MCA policy statement on social contract “blacked out” in MCA newspaper The Star – Why?

Category: General
Posted by: Raja Petra

Media Statement by Parliamentary Opposition Leader and DAP MP for Ipoh Timur Lim Kit Siang

This is most extraordinary and unthinkable – MCA newspaper The Star “blacking out” the MCA policy statement on the “social contract”!

The Chinese newspapers gave front-page headline treatment to the policy statement issued yesterday by the MCA Presidential Council following the shock declaration of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi that Malaysia was an Islamic state and not a secular state.

Strangely enough, the policy statement was reported by the Sun but it is also conspicuously omitted in the New Straits Times and the Malay newspapers.

Releasing the MCA Presidential Council statement, MCA President Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting said the Federal Constitution should be the reference to resolve controversies or confusion over the social contract.

The statement said that what had been agreed by the forefathers 50 years ago, especially the principles and the spirit in governing the country, must be preserved.

These principles and spirit were enshrined in the Constitution.

Two questions are in order:

Firstly, why the two-faced treatment of the MCA Presidential Council policy statement on the “social contract” by the MCA – having it published prominently in the Chinese media but blacked out in its own English-language newspaper, the Star and the New Straits Times as well as the Malay newspapers.

Secondly, why had the MCA Presidential Council betrayed the fundamental principles espoused by the early generation of the MCA founder-leaders like Tun Tan Cheng Lock and Tun Tan Siew Sin who had declared unequivocally both inside and outside Parliament 50 years ago that this nation was conceived as a secular state with Islam as the official religion and not an Islamic state.

In limiting its “social contract” understanding and commitment to what is in the Malaysian Constitution, the present MCA leaders have created the conditions to justify their support for the abandonment of the foundation nation-building cornerstone of Malaysia as a secular state with Islam as the official religion but not an Islamic state. This is to enable the present MCA leadership to support the distortion and misinterpretation of the Merdeka “social contract” of Malaysia as never having been an secular state and had always been an Islamic state.

The Malaysian Constitution is both silent on a secular state and an Islamic state. However, all constitutional documents leading up to the 1957 Merdeka Constitution and the 1964 Malaysia Agreement and the highest judicial pronouncements of the land spelt out clearly that Malaysia was conceived as a secular state with Islam as the official religion and not an Islamic state.

Now, through sheer political hegemony and against the public stands of the first three Prime Ministers of Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak and Tun Hussein, the “social contract” and Merdeka Constitution is being misinterpreted to jettison the fundamental nation-building principle of a secular Malaysia and to substitute instead an Islamic Malaysia.

The MCA Presidential Council policy statement yesterday has only one objective – to perpetuate the myth that MCA remains steadfast and fully committed to defend and uphold the Merdeka social contract when in fact it had already abandoned the fundamental principle that Malaysia was conceived as a secular state and was never meant to be an Islamic state.

How could Tun Tan Cheng Lock and Tun Tan Siew Sin rest in peace at such betrayal of principles by the present crop of MCA leaders?

Lim Kit Siang

CCK comment:

When Singapore refused to up the price of water supplied by Malaysia on basis that the legal contract under which it is supplied does not allow for it, government leaders and cronies went up in arms.

Ridiculously cheap and Singapore is an asshole country, they say.

In turn, this same bunch of characters expect entire people to submit to their whims and greed on the basis of a ridiculous interpretation of what they call 'social contract' under which easy money can be gotten by way of conspiratorial contracts and not endeavor.

And they complain about others going up in arms.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

No Gull Please

Comment posted in Malaysia Today in response to call to abolish the SJK schools

If a company has a proven record of producing good quality and reliable products, people around the world will go to it without the need for coercion or the likes.

The theorists will talk about dedication, intelligence, hardwork and many other notions being potentially the cause of a company's success.

They can also have many theories to explain why some companies lose out. In some countries they just go on a wild blame ride.

For the fair minded, the preponderance of a company's products is the simplest indicator of its quality. That is, you know a company is good when you see many of your neighbours buying its products.

A good example is Samsung which became one of the top 10 brands in the world over the course of a quarter of a century. Sony is not even on that list today.

And no salesman with any cock-n-bull story will be able to stop the tide of the mass consumer.

You also cannot force people to buy your product if you are a lousy manufacturer unless you resort to unfair means. A good example is our local Toyota wannabe.

The world is best being a pretty free market.

Those who believe that their favorite manufacturer produces the best products should stick with it. Good for them.

Those who think they operate a very good company should concentrate on producing world quality products. The crowd will naturally come to you.

But spare the other consumers who think otherwise the horror of being a potential gull.

Educational institutions are no different. The world class ones are obvious. So are the low down ones.

You decide for yourself and your children but please let the others make their own choices.

They will follow you if yours is clearly the best around. If not, you should perhaps scratch your head a bit.

Subsequent comment:

Useless products can only come from lousy companies run by sub-standard people using below-par materials.

Resorting to lelong sales pitches will not carry them far.

Hoping their products will improve by way of blowing hot air is a fool's dream.

Never put your capital into such companies.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The True Fathers of Malaysian Independence

Malaysia Today posting

28/08: The true fathers of Malaysian independence
Category: General Posted by: Raja Petra

by Anti-Jihadist

When Malaysians take time this upcoming Friday to reflect on the meaning of (what is widely referred to as) the 50th anniversary of Malaysian independence (a.k.a. Merdeka), they should spare a moment to thank one of the men who helped make it possible—Adolf Hitler.

That’s right. Adolf Hitler and his fascist allies, in an ironic twist of history, are in many ways the true fathers of independent Malaysia. Without their actions, Merdeka would have taken, at the very least, many more years if not decades to come to pass. Remember, in the years preceding World War II, Malaya’s status as a British colony was not seriously opposed by anyone, especially inside Malaya itself. British rule of the colony was unchallenged. And a unified Malaya not run by Britain was all but unthinkable.

The actions of one man thousands of miles away would change this status quo forever. It was Hitler’s Germany that launched war in Europe in 1939, and whose forces directly attacked the British homeland soon after. It was Hitler’s Afrika Korps and Italian allies who attacked British forces and possessions throughout the Mediterranean, and attempted to seize the British protectorate of Egypt and the vital Suez Canal. These assaults on multiple fronts concentrated British forces and planning on these theatres of war, and turned London’s attention away from Asia. The British Empire in 1940 and 1941 (when they did not yet have an official ally in the US) was stretched to the limit and fighting for its life.

Left all but forgotten at this critical juncture were the British possessions in the Far East—Hong Kong, Malaya, Singapore, North Borneo, and Burma. Stripped of military units that had been hurried westward to fight the Germans and Italians, these areas were tempting targets.

Such an opportunity was not to go unnoticed, especially by Hitler’s other ally—the Empire of Japan, who had been planning their so-called “Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere” for some time. Seeing that the chief colonizing power in Southeast Asia (the UK) had its hands full fighting the Germans in North Africa and elsewhere, the Japanese militarists carefully planned their coup de main. Germany’s conquest of Western Europe (and the fall of other colonial powers France and the Netherlands) also made for other ‘ripe pickings’ in Southeast Asia.

On December 8, 1941, Japan decisively struck the Malayan peninsula and landed a sizable invasion force near Kota Baru (on Malaya’s northeast coast). The few British units still left in Malaya resisted valiantly, but were outmaneuvered and overwhelmed in short order. Japan’s ‘jungle blitzkrieg’ succeeded enormously, and the seemingly ‘invincible’ British quickly surrendered in all of Malaya.

The resulting Japanese occupation of Malaya was humiliating as it was brutal. However, it did demonstrate to everyone (in particular, the Malays) two vital lessons that cannot be underestimated, and that ultimately paved the way for Merdeka. One, the British were clearly not unbeatable. And secondly, it could now be shown conclusively that a Malaya without British rule was possible.

When the British returned to Malaya in 1945, they did so as victors, but in full awareness that continued British rule in Malaya would not, and could not, continue as it had before. The British had won the war, true, but their victory over Hitler and fascism had bankrupted them, and they had lost much of their desire for empire as a result. Their soon-to-be former subjects, the Malays, knew that the genie was out of the bottle, and realised that they had to finagle the most favourable terms possible from the soon-to-depart British.

It was merely a question of time, of process, and of form, but thanks to the schemes of the Nazis and their friends, Malayan independence had become inevitable.

Remember that this week when you display your Jalur Gemilang.


TheWrathOfGrapes wrote:
.More like surrogate fathers.One Fuhrer with his Lebensraum, and one Emperor with his Greater East Asian Co-Propsperity Sphere, resulting in the dismantling of the old colonies.Some good coming out of something bad..
28/08 15:29:43

rakyatmalaysia wrote:
good one joe, but that does not mean i will look hitler as my hero but a blooody bastard who massacred million of jews.
28/08 15:31:22

theantijihadist wrote:
I couldn't agree more with that assessment of Herr Hitler. May he burn in Hell for eternity.
28/08 15:36:28

WanSinga wrote:
Hitler! How I adore him very much. Not because of his cruelty but to his inflence & absolute power.Think again.Jews were shot dead. So be it. But why? Because they are weak, like the rest of us.Think again.Every history has a lesson...
28/08 15:46:52

ShyteStirrer wrote:
Anti-Jihadist, please do not fall into the trap of all the apologists of the Nazis and the Fascist Imperial Japanese when they say that their actions precipitated the independence movements in Asia. It is true that it may have been a unintended by-product. However, do not forget that the Nazi's and Japanese were inperialists who wanted domination of peoples and raw materials. Please also do not forget the millions of people that perished because of their imperial dreams. They never intended freedom for anyone - they only wanted complete domination. Please do not twist history.
28/08 15:52:43

shardik wrote:
'Mein Kampf' becomes bestseller in Turkey
Publisher: 'The times we live in have a definite impact on sales'
28/08 15:55:55

cheekhiaw wrote:
The victors had conveniently blamed Hitler for WWII. But history shows that the seeds of WWII was sowed by the victors of WWI i.e. the British, French and Americans.

The Versaille Treaty for Germany's surrender in WWI exacted huge reparations (contrary to expectations set to the Germans by the Americans) that resulted in super-high inflation.

John Maynard Keynes the famous economist who represented the British Exchequer in that event resigned in compassionate protest over its unreasonableness. The super high inflation arising from that and the great depression set the ground for extreme German views/actions.

Germany fought WWI because she was a new nation and wanted a share of the colonial pie dominated by the older powers. By end 19th century, Germany was only 30 years old but its economic might (along with US) was second only to Britain.

Lord Balfour the British Foreign Secretary in WWI was recorded to have suggested years before to the Americans that they should start a war with Germany so that they could 'maintain their standard of living' i.e. to whack Germany to keep it from challenging them.

During WWI the same Balfour (a Jew) issued the Balfour Declaration on behalf of Britain which made public the British government's support for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine in return for financial support for the war from the Jews. That 'letter' was addressed to a certain Lord Rothschild of the financial world.

According to historian Paul Kennedy, access to cheap financing is 1 of 3 key factors that decide the outcome of modern wars. This is why the Germans hated this other group of people so much.

Thus the final collapse of the British empire was partly the result of their own insidious actions and not just the challenge of upcoming powers Germany and Japan.

We should therefore thank the British themselves.

The Israelites do that. Which is also why they can afford to be so arrogant towards the Palestinians.
28/08 16:01:34

cruzeiro wrote:
Hey AJ,I think it was rather unfair.

You should've said that it was Roosevelt, as the British could've easily held on to Malaya with all it's riches. There were enough turncoats who benefited directly or otherwise from the colonization, to perpetuate it. After all, the questions of Malayan Union, and the muted resistance, came about after WWII, becos of the conditions imposed on the British by Roosevelt and Gang!So it was Roosevelt, AJ. Or else, we might be worshiping the Hirohito, and saluting Japs today.As an alternative, you could probably thank and give some credit to the Jewish lobby/ bankers who had vested interest in an open market!
28/08 16:01:36

farouk wrote:
You mean to tell me, the British DIDN'T give us independence because they thought we were matured and capable of running a soveriegn state? ;)
28/08 16:01:55

shardik wrote:
In any case the Brits were bankrupt, sapped up and their manpower drastically reduced after the war. They did not have the energy to hold on to their colonies. They needed to rebuild the home country and it made more economic sense to decolonise.
28/08 16:03:51

cheekhiaw wrote:
To see who we should really thank for the outcome of WWII, we should compare the price each country paid in lives of its people.

3 nations had more than 10 million casualties each (Russia, Germany, China)

The Americans, British and French had about 1 million in total between them or about 2% of total global war casualty. [My original comment as pointed out by another blogger is incorrect:'The Americans, British and French had less than 100,000 each.']

The Americans and British sat out of most of the war and pretended to fight Germany in Africa, and moved into Europe only after the tide of war there had already changed. Thanks to the East Europeans/ This is why world leaders had the 60th anniversary of the end of WWII in Russia 2 years ago.

As to Asia, China paid the highest price and the Americans won it on the cheap via the bomb. During most of the war, China was left pretty much to its own. Those who brandish small crooked knives around town here should note this.
28/08 16:13:47

cruzeiro wrote:
Shardik,I don't think they would've, had they not been forced to do so by "Roosevelt"- what more, when they needed even more wealth to rebuild their economy!In fact they were looking for reasons not to give the Independence.Malaya with its tin and Rubber which were prime commodities, would've helped a lot, with little cost on their part.
28/08 16:14:05

theantijihadist wrote:
Cheekhiaw's WW2 casualty stats are a little off.The UK's casualties for WW2 are estimated to be 450,000. The US is a bit less (~420,000) and France 562,000. These stats include both military and civilian deaths.

28/08 16:18:39

shardik wrote:
In fact they were looking for reasons not to give the Independence.Malaya with its tin and Rubber which were prime commodities, would've helped a lot, with little cost on their part.

Even after independence, they were able to hold on to these through the various companies. Only after `69 were things to change.But by giving independence they were able to concentrate on developing the home country. Though the emergency and konfrontasi did hurt some in addition to keeping the Overseas Forces in M`sia.If they had to monitor the whole country their expenses would have been much much greater.In fact the pullout of Allied Forces in `67 hurt the m`sians much more. States like Malacca/Negeri Sembilan/Penang suffered badly.
28/08 16:22:43

rakyatmalaysia wrote:
anyhow, this bastard did talk something sense here. Maybe its an advice to the malaysian.

“We have only to kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down.”— Adolf Hitler
28/08 16:25:27

shardik wrote:
Recurrence of the night of the long knives?
28/08 16:28:27

shardik wrote:
and moved into Europe only after the tide of war there had already changed

And what changed the tide of war?
28/08 16:30:25

cheekhiaw wrote:
Russia since it is still not obvious.
28/08 16:46:40

shardik wrote:
How silly of me. N the allies were just as you obviously put it `sat out of most of the war and pretended to fight Germany in Africa`.
28/08 16:59:15

cruzeiro wrote:
Even after independence, they were able to hold on to these through the various companies. Only after `69 were things to change.

Of course.I was talking about the events prior to Merdeka ..... the Malayan "resistance/ independance" movement was virtually non-existent or puny at best, compared to that of countries that had to literally fight for it to the very end, like India.They could've held on if they wanted to, without breaking sweat - but with India gone, it (the refusal for independence) probably just wasn't worth it anymore.The trouble of 5.13 was an event that was anticipated by the British, in their absence. They were quite aware of the workings of the "powers" in the alliance, that took on the role of the "new Tuans".But that's another story .....At the end of the day "we" reaped the harvest, of a series of world events without paying a price (relatively speaking).That is why, some people are today quite while stupidly arrogant about "supremacy", demand to rob the nation blind, using all avenues at their disposal - and the real victims, in their ignorance, are actually cheering them on as the true champions!
28/08 17:17:11

cruzeiro wrote:
shardik wrote:How silly of me. N the allies were just as you obviously put it `sat out of most of the war and pretended to fight Germany in Africa`.

Yes shardik - the Nazis despite having some "bite" when they faced US/UK, were already quite a spent force by then after the Russian campaign. The US/ UK forces were largely against the "kids" on the western front, compared to the Eastern front - but they were still quite potent ....
28/08 17:23:54

LChuah wrote:
cruzeiro wrote:> the Nazis despite having some "bite" when they faced US/UK, were already quite a spent force by then after the Russian campaign.]]Stalingrad - the mighty struggle of the Soviets will be remembered for all time. Sitting out "of most of the war" was the West's strategy: American opinion shapers were openly calling for the Germans and Russians to finish each other off.
28/08 17:36:07

shardik wrote:
I think it was the Russian winter that really wrought havoc. The allies in that sense learnt from Napoleon`s similar disaster in Russia.Also on the Western front the only country left was an extremely weakened Britain. In fact, if I remember correctly the Treasury was empty, cept for 50,000 pounds of gold belonging to the Belgian Govt. which was borrowed by the Brits.Things only began to change when the US declared war on Germany in Dec.`41.As for the Desert Campaign I hardly think it was just a simple matter of `sat out the war`. There were British/Indian forces for instance in the siege of Tobruk and other battles.It was attrition on a massive scale which depleted the German forces (despite Arab assistance).There were the Desert Rats operating behind German/Arab lines. Then of course there was El Alamein. So slowly the Germans were rolled back.
28/08 17:39:37

cheekhiaw wrote:
Sowly is the keyword. That's another way of saying what we meant.
28/08 17:45:22

shardik wrote:
cheekhiaw:If you go to the top [navigation] click `admin` n then click `browse your comments`, you can edit or delete your comment.
28/08 18:02:48

cheekhiaw wrote:
shardick, thanks. take care.
28/08 20:35:25

007zain wrote:
.Deii!!! India also!! Indonesia, too!!=>
BIG DEAL!!!!!!!
28/08 21:33:54

suv wrote:
Ya,in a way,Hitler helped to destroy Imperial Brits,
butwe must oso remember Brits gave dominion status to Ireland well before WW11(which led to full independence),

and Brits were willing to give dominion status to India oso (Stafford Cripps mission) but Gnadhi as usual f*ked things up
28/08 21:45:33

A Merdeka Dream

Poem posted in Malaysia Today site and comments arising

27/08: A Merdeka Dream
Category: General Posted by: Raja Petra

by Joseph David

Fifty years of freedom
We celebrate with joy today
A rich and peaceful kingdom
We hear the whole world say

We remember all the warriors
Who gave lives with no ease
Let’s look beyond all barriers
And learn to live in peace

Our leaders gave us vision
That we may walk the path
Let there be no contention
That makes way for wrath

The future lies in our hands
To bear the torch and lead
Let no man go with hunger pangs
Because of pride and greed

Malaysia, O Malaysia
How I wish you well
To be the light of Asia
Let the future with pride tell


krisingh1 wrote:
Hidup UMNO!
Hidup UMNOputera!
Mana ada Bangsa Malaysia!
27/08 09:43:28

smeagroo wrote:
MErdeka's dream? Wake up late and go party with friends for a get together and tell them how corrupted the govt is and we can hv a laugh. JUst another holiday to me. When my son saw the 6 jet planes fly by this monring, i told him that's our PM going for his holiday again.
27/08 10:32:08

hakim abdullah wrote:
Fifty years of freedom?
you must be confuse I say
A corrupted Animal Kingdom
that's what you'll hear us say

who remembered the warriors
all hidden from public eyes
If they are not with Umno
they all deserve to die

our leaders gave us lesions
from bottom and on our head
what is there to walk
when we all have no legs

What lies in UMNO hands
is blood, pride and greed
It matters not to them
unless it is their own shit

Malaysia, O Malaysia
How I wish you can tell
with our current ministers
we are all marching to hell

27/08 10:34:04

jabins wrote:
hakim abdullah "You Said It Well!!"
The undercurrents brought to the surface!!!
27/08 12:24:47

raven1958 wrote:
Enough.....Merdeka day this year must be treated as a funeral and everyone must where a black arm band..........
27/08 13:50:20

sampalee wrote:
Nice word without facts is simply bullshit.It is definately bullshit that malaysia is light of asia,when malaysians are living in darkness.
27/08 15:37:15

jules wrote:
27/08 20:00:53

msiaman wrote:
Not trying to be racist here but UMNO knows that Indian are the most obedian. However opressed, they still can sing praises for the ruling dogs.

Makes you wonder where Namewee was staying. He must have been left out in the slump of the country or this writer is a real dreamer. Maybe someone should slap him out of his dreams!
27/08 22:50:58

qwerty wrote:
Fifty years of freedom
To plunder, rob & rape
The treasurys’ ours to keep
Nary a fart hoi polloi

We remember all the warriors
We slaughtered with schemes & lies
Those we could not kill, we bought.
For it’s said, everyman has his price.

Our leaders gave us vision
From outside looking in
As UMNO & cronies with feast galore
We waited for crumbs they kindly tossed.

The future lies in our hands
To bear the cost of living skyward bound
Families feasting on garden escargot
Burnt to death TENAGA bills not paid

Malaysia. O Malaysia
If only you could speak
“Have you not heard, Am now the Sickman of Asia.
Heck, 50 years of crap I am calling it quit!"

Apology to Joseph David.
Just couldn't stomach your poem.
Read that Dato Zakaria got off scot free YET AGAIN! He has more lives than a cat! That's 50 years of Merdeka for you.

Smell the coffee.
27/08 23:19:54

Graham Stone wrote:
Merdeka A Wet Dream, or reality!!!!

You have the vote! it's up to you!

No use blogging about something!
28/08 01:11:32

Graham Stone wrote:

Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has today for the first time said that Malaysia was an Islamic state and not a secular state.
28/08 01:38:44

TheWrathOfGrapes wrote:
.A Merdeka Nightmare.

Fifty years of fiefdom
We endured with toil
Untold riches for UMNOdom
But not for the hoi polloi.

We remembered the fake warriors
Who waved their crooked keris
And barked like bull terriers
Trying to disrupt the peace.

Our leaders gave use nightmares
NEP, Islamic state, Ketuanan Melayu
Challenge us – don’t you dare
Racial harmony? – it had gone askew.

The future is careening out of our hands
No one is leading; no one bearing the torch
What’s happening to this resource-rich land,
That’s being ranscked, plundered and scotched?.

Malaysia, O Kesal Malaysia
From almost an economic tiger
That vision is now blurred
Reality is – you are now the sick man of Asia.
28/08 10:29:50

Hockchew wrote:
Ape tu Merdeka?<<>>
28/08 11:46:05

harimau kayu wrote:
Brethren and all,

There is no secret in all these. The people are fed up with the corrupted and lying BN government led by a sleeping Bodowi and a womanising Najis!! Phui..phui...phui!! you lying busturds..may you rot in hel..

We want a free and independent country,
we want discrimination to be eradicated,
we are a secular state not an islamic one..
we want an independent judiciary..
we want meritocracy
we want an honest and fair police force

Is that too hard to muter phuckers!! Stop the corruption. Start managing the country.

The time for pro-active action is NOW. If you are pissed with this corrupted government embezzling millions of Rakyat's money, then you should march for peace and democracy on 31st August.

Saudara saudiri dari semua kaum, Bergerak la pada Hari Merdeka, bukan meyambut Merdeka..tapi untuk Protest against the Government.

31st August - Let's rumble in the streets of Malaysia
31st August - End of the corrupted BN government
31st August - End of NEPotism and Cronism
31st August - End of Mediocracy
31st August - End of Police state
31st August - Restoaration of an independent judiciary
31st August - Restoration of freedom of speech
31st August - Restoration of freedom of religion!!

Brethren of all races (not just Chinese), do you have the balls to act for the betterment of Malaysians??
28/08 12:23:53

cheekhiaw wrote:
Hi fellow Malaysians with poems of many kinds,

Celebrate Merdeka Day anyway you wish but please note that the day has nothing to do with the people that led or are leading the country. Let's not mix them up.

We all has the right to make the day special in our own ways with our dreams, aspirations, cynicism, criticisms and all.

But let's not lose hope of a better future. For when we lose hope we forsake our souls and human decency which I am sure is not in the spirit of this site.

This land is still special and perhaps even sacred too to us in our own ways.

Let's use our combined intellect, compassion and endeavor to help build a better future.

That can best be done if we reach out to each other in a positive manner and not be ruffled by the slightest or frivolous misgiving or disagreement.

Let's direct our dismay and anger at the culprits likewise and conduct ourselves with the dignity and decorum our hopes and this site deserve.

Then we can say that we are indeed different and on a higher plane.

All the best to you all.
28/08 21:17:45

Friday, August 24, 2007

One People and Another

Comment posted in Malaysia Today in response to article on Malaysian Chinese businesses not employing Malay staff, the need to abolish Chinese schools etc.

If a company owned by a certain group of people chooses not to recruit or promote workers of another even though they are more capable, then the other people need not complain for that company is clearly being stupid for not using the most capable resources available, and they will lose out over time.

If there indeed exist a group of capable people who is under appreciated, nothing in this world can stop this group from coming together to create the success their capabilities so deserve. The proper thing for this group to do is to show their superiority by example, and become a shining world-wide leader in the field of their endeavor. The world will then laugh at the foolishness of the other group.

If a people chooses to educate their young the wrong way or teach them the wrong things, then they are being stupid and will soon pay the price for their own mistakes. However, the price is restricted to that people alone. Let them pay the price of their foolishness, they deserve it.

But if a people forces another to follow them in a way that is foolish or dumb, it is more than being stupid. It is evil as it forces the unwilling and discerning to follow the stupid down the drain.

We are not referring to the different races here. We are talking about the foolish and the discerning.

Usman Awang's Merdeka

From this site:

Usman Awang's Merdeka

"Kita sekarang - dalam cita-cita menuju Malaya merdeka - haruslah membuang semangat perkauman yang berlebih-lebihan. Kerana ini adalah menjadi satu batu penarung terhadap cita-cita Malaya merdeka.

Bagi diri saya tidak ada apa-apa yang dapat diberikan untuk perjuangan Malaya menuju kemerdekaan.

Tetapi jika rasa sanggup membuang semangat perkauman yang berlebih-lebihan bagi diri tiap-tiap orang dan tiap-tiap kaum itu dikatakan satu derma bakti kepada perjuangan ini, maka saya dapat kosongkan dada membuangkan perasaan itu untuk memenuhi isi kemerdekaan kita.

Sesungguhnya saya tidak mengetahui dengan betul apakah kita (orang-orang) yang memperjuangkan kemerdekaan itu akan sanggup pula - kelak - mempertahankan kedaulatan kemerdekaan itu?"

-- excerpt from Usman Awang's "Untuk Malaya Merdeka" - 1952.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Managing Integrity of Canteen Operators

I am a parent of a Primary 1G student in Temasek Primary School.

On 21 August, we found that my daughter had used a $5 note (which we gave for ‘emergency use’) to purchase a bottle of 100-Plus drink from one of the canteen stalls and was short changed by $1.

We took notice this time because it was the first time we gave her a $5 note as ‘emergency money’. Normally, it is a $2 note. We have a good degree of trust in my child’s honesty and have no reason to believe that she had lied etc.

The Operations Manager of the school and I had spoken to the operator concerned whose excuse is that such things may happen when the number of children ‘rushing’ for purchases is high like on the day concerned – hardly a phenomenon alien to primary schools.

I understand from the Operations Manager that he had spoken to the operator on a few occasions previously although I was not informed of the exact issues involved.

In my conversation with both the Operations Manager and the Vice Principal it appears that feedback to operators are done when there are complaints, and there are regular meetings with operator.

But it was clear to me that there is no process and metrics in place to actively manage the integrity of canteen operators, and to penalize the ones with a track record that indicates potentially unscrupulous behavior.

We do not expect the school to take drastic action on account of one complaint but parents do expect the school to have a process where such complaints is formally recorded and tracked, and used in a considered manner in ensuring the integrity of canteen operators is of a high standard. For integrity is fundamental to the education of our young.

A possible model to consider is to establish metrics like the number of complaints from students and parents, and when the relevant metrics are not met the operator involved to be penalized accordingly. Good statistics keeping and comparison across operators can help differentiate between genuine mistakes from other reasons.

Otherwise, unscrupulous behaviors may exist/persist and if unchecked cause some of our young to begin to think that one can get away with short-changing the young and innocent.

We urge the school to consider establishing appropriate metrics to manage the integrity of canteen operators. If they are already in place we are interested in understanding what they are.

MOE should consider including ensuring integrity of operators as part of the ‘MOE Tuckshop Policy’.

Yours sincerely

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Chinese Heart

For the UMNO politicians that ocassionally brandish their keris (little crooked knives) in veiled threats to the other races so as to keep them silent and servile

We, the Chinese of this land
deem it the right for all men born to this land
to live in and share it in peace and with dignity.
And to contribute to its wholesomeness and well-being
to the limits of our ability.

As such, we shall to do our solemn part
in promoting peace and harmony among all creeds
and to protect the safety and dignity of all for whom this home we share.
With compassion and intelligence we shall care
for all our nation’s young regardless of their color or race.

We will with earnest and dedication
empower them with wisdom and knowledge
so that they will come together as a light
that shall shine bright upon our common land
and bring with it hope of a better future for all.

As much as the beauty of this land and its common people
occupy a precious place within our hearts
and are cherished as inseparable to our happiness,
we are also imbued with a spirit, pride and hardiness
etched by the blood of those that flowed before us.

Therefore, we on the good and decent part
hereby deplore the vile who threaten with their crooked knives
to slice away our right and our dignity, and to keep us servile.
And we implore those crooked lives full of bile
to desist from carving our nation apart and come out of the wild.

In the event they choose to err
and attempt to proceed with their fore swear,
we wish to let it be known abundantly clear
that we the descendents of the Chinese heart
will not let our people be cut apart like a game without depart.

For we are no mere sons of the soil but that of a great culture
long accustomed to rising above threats of nature and such of any feature
no matter how the ebbs flow and our blood have to follow,
our history and our hearts lest the vile may not know
will never let others draw its breathe and simply swallow.

Like a bamboo with the winds we at times sway
among us you will find ones that hold no bay.
We do not live by the sword to make our day
but when push comes to shove turns to slay
respond and act we will with our considered way.

So take heart of the Chinese heart, you the crooked heart.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Katak Dalam Tempurung Katakan Penyu Kurang Kebolehan

I refer to letter by Pokka in Malaysia Today calling Anwar Ibrahim a traitor of the Malay race for not being able to increase Malay equity ownership during his tenure as finance minister.

When one calls another man the traitor of his entire race, decency requires that person to give at least a sensible explanation for that accusation.

Otherwise, it is cheap name-calling which any fool can do.

The author of this article has a simplistic view that the lack of increase in Malay equity ownership is purely the work of a finance minister.

It may start to impress the intelligent readers if he can explain how he thinks that is the case but he did not.

If it is indeed so easy, UMNO would have it made long time ago. They only have to string a few Daim-like (Malaysian finance minister leading to 1997 financial crisis - Daim Zainuddin) finance ministers together and voila the Malays would be made for good times.

How the entire world would love it if this is how things work in the real world. NEP would be the UN model for global development!

If equity ownership is simply a numerical play controllable by a government or finance minister, and devoid of the need for human effort, discipline, ingenuity, expertise etc., UMNO and perhaps the author himself would have just setup and list a tonne of companies 100% owned by Malays and the proportion of Malay ownership would skyrocket. Who can stop that?

That would also be a perfect way to showcase the incredible enterpreneurial and other skills of the Malays. They would be walking tall among humanity, not just within Malaysia.

Being a Malay hero would then be a piece of cake.

But no one with some intelligence would believe it is as simple as that. Unless one lives inside a little coconut shell as the Malay saying goes.

Or perhaps the author thinks money can just be simply printed and distributed to the Malays by the finance ministry just like that. If that is the case, why even bother owning companies? Just sit inside the coconut shell and print lah.

Katak dalam tempurung katakan penyu kurang kebolehan....
(translation: frog living inside a coconut shell says a turtle lacks ability)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

We Live in a Fictitious Time Again?

What do Karl Rove, Colin Powell and Alan Greenspan have in common?

The obvious answer is they all used to work for my most popular present idiot George W. Bush. They have also all resigned from their jobs or will be doing so.

The less obvious thing in common among these men is they were all involved in perpetuating the biggest fictions of the Bush administration in their respective areas of 'expertise'.

In his Oscar acceptance speech for the film Farenheit 911, Michael Moore said: “We live in fictitious times. We live in a time when we have fictitious election results that elect a fictitious President. We live in a time when we have a man sending us to war for fictitious reasons . . . shame on you, Mr Bush, shame on you . . .”

Karl Rove, as Bush's chief 'campaign strategist', engineered amongst others the disenfranchisement of millions of black voters in places like Florida which proved to be critical to Bush winning his first election - this is the fictitious election results Moore referred to.

Rove announced his resignation when legislators recently started investigations into his involvement in 'making political presentations to government employees encouraging them to find ways to support Republican candidates.'

This idiot clearly planned and knew what he was doing for idiot Bush.

Colin Powell as secretary of state for Bush, primarily through his UN presentations, helped hoodwinked most of the world (I can tell you which are the Chinamen amongst the ones I know that are in this group) about Iraq's possession of nuclear weapons and engineered the invasion of Iraq for control of its oil and wealth.

Apparently upon 'realising' that what he was led to believed was true was in fact a big lie this fella resigned. So this particular idiot seemed to realise 'after the fact' what he was doing for idiot Bush. If you believe this and is one of those not convinced that Bush is an idiot, this is another prove that idiots can indeed get to the very top in the 'world's greatest democracy'. In Rudyard Kipling's words, even a 'half-devil half-child' can.

Alan Greenspan was head of the US Federal Reserve for the last 20 years and was first appointed to the job by my first US presidential idiot by the name of Ronald Reagan - Reagan is the first because I first began to understand what was happening in my contemporary world during 'his' time.

Amongst Greenspan's more famous achievements were the handling of Reaganomics' Black Monday, and the 'irrational exuberance' and 'infectious greed' of the bubble. All of which largely due to 'easy money' perpetuated by the Fed.

In Bush's tenure, Greenspan presided over the infusion of more cheap money as a way of making his country's economy 'expand' especially after the bust of 2000/01.

For those that do not understand above and how Greenspan was so (depending on how you interprete it) good or unlucky to have had to handle so many bubbles in his 20 Fed years, they are suggested to read about the 'collapse of Bretton Woods'. The 'global economy' and 'monetarist economic theories' of the last 30 years should be seen in the light of this particular event. You can say it was a 'milestone' in the development of super-fictitious money.

Simple minded approach Greenspan's easy credit may appear to a lot of economists but they did not know that that would have appeared like a damn good idea to a full-idiot half-child like Bush who also believed that reducing taxes for the rich would spur growth and pay for his expensive adventures like Iraq. His other idea of making a fast buck for his country by way of grabbing Iraq's oil should also be indicative.

At least, that was what Bush believed in.

Greenspan, probably the sharpest of the 3 men in this story and with obviously more experience from the other bubbles he helped created and/or then handled, smartly decided to retire in early 2006 before the proverbial 'shit hits the fan'.

The last week or so we began to see what some economists like Paul Krugman and Joseph Stiglitz had been warning about for a few years (while in Singapore a week back Stiglitz said he was surprised it took so long to happen) - the bursting of another economic bubble created by what some economists call 'funny money' or fictitious money.

If Michael Moore had spoken to Joseph Stiglitz before his Oscar speech, he would also have added that 'we also live in a time when fictitious money is used to create a fictitious economy'.

But what is the difference between the 3 men we are talking about?

One helped fool half of the American population to put idiot Bush in power. Actually it was less than half as Bush had less of the popular vote than Gore but let's not worry about such gory details. Most thought only the Americans would pay for it like in September 11. A one event wonder.

The second helped fool half the world to put the US hands in the oil wells of Iraq. The Iraqis paid for most of it. Along with some by the French and Germans, which was why they protested. Also a one event wonder.

And the third? Well, the third helped fool most of the world into believing that the price of US stocks and properties are worth more than two to three times what they were worth five years ago. And god knows who in the world will be paying for it - that's the beauty of globalisation! With Black Monday, and now subprime, unlike the other 2, this fella is a multi-event wonder!

All because so many believed in Bush and the American system. Interesting to think how in this case the Churchill-like 'never had so many owed so much to so few' would apply more to the losers.

On his part, Bush believed that he was meant 'by his god to do great things', ran for presidential office and won with the help of Rove and his fictitious election results.

Bush and his sponsors believed in the power of oil and got most of what they wanted out of Iraq with the help of Powell who believed what he was led to believe, and which he in turn led many suckers in the world to believe in.

Bush believed that Reaganomics would result in great growth for his country. For a few years it did with the help of Greenspan's easy credit and fictitious money. His co-believers around the world is now beginning to pay for that.

So we have it, fictitious political results, war and economy ala idiot Bush & America. Almost all the 'big things' in life. But you know, other than these, what else is 'big' and trademark Bush & America?

Their religious believe of course. Anyone need me to point out how that is also fictitious?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Loyal Acclaim

On Zaid Ibrahim who was reportedly one of the more 'progressive' members of UMNO

Men of noble principles do not live in vain
Truth and justice they sustain.

Those of lesser character live with ill gains
Use of the sword their ordain.

When the former quiet amongst the latter remain
much will that nobleness be slained.

On Mahathir blaming Abdullah Badawi for the problems in Malaysia like corruption, crime etc.

It's the kettle calling his pot black

If a Malaysian government can make such a great change in a few years, then by now Proton would be competing with Toyota in the world market, NEP would be the UN model for global development, and the kettle's vision2020 would have been achieved in 1992 (instead of passing the buck to someone else)!

Do we need 2020 vision to see this latest passing of the buck?

Monday, August 13, 2007

Selangor Sultan Expresses Concerns over Host of Issues

Response to comment by 'undergrad2' to report attached below with above title that appeared in Malaysia Today website

To undergrad2,

You are more concerned about the future and privileges of the royal rulers and the risk of a constitutional crisis than the well-being of the common people and the future of the country as a whole.

If the country is run by ineffective and corrupt people as the sultan said, then those should be the last things one should be concerned about.

The sultan did what is nobler than his title - to speak out for what is decent and proper for the well-being of all the people of the country.

That itself bodes well for the future of the country.

Perhaps that man occupies a station in life far higher than you can imagine or a constitution can make.

One where a man holds dear the conviction that a life well lived is worth more than one of privileged but silent witness to the well-being of the common people threatened.

Such men command in others respect far above any law can impose.

Noble principles give a man loyal acclaim
Without such makes any royalty ill-claimed.

undergrad2 wrote:

Hi y'all,

I see a very dangerous trend in Malaysia. The Malay Rulers are fast taking on a political or a semi-political role. A couple or two may be tempted to even compete for that role.

The BN government under Badawi is now faced with a dilemma. To go against the Malay Rulers who are now urged by the Malaysian public to assume the role of saviour and court of last resort, would be a mistake. But at the same time, dangerous precedents are being set and may culminate in a constitutional crisis that would rock the country. The only winner to emerge from this crisis in the long run would be the anti-monarchists and anti-royalists who would like to see Malaysia turned into a republic with a president as chief executive.

The Raja-Raja has long been a symbol of Malay hegemony. With them gone it will be a different ball game.

YM himself is a kaum kerabat. Is he prepared to give up all the privileges that come with being a member of the royal house? Is he prepared to sever all links with royalty? From time to time and reading in between the lines, YM seems to be relying on his royal roots.

Sultan expresses concern over host of issues
Reported by Malaysia Today website

Immediate action must be taken to check corruption, bureaucratic red tape, race problems, religious intolerance, the brain drain and crime, the Sultan of Selangor said.

Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah said Malaysia had achieved tremendous progress over the last 50 years.

Describing Malaysia as a blessed country, he said the people certainly had much to be thankful for but should not rest on their laurels as Malaysians also needed to take stock of what the country needed to do in the next 50 years.

“Corruption is still a problem, which the people are very concerned about, and more effective action needs to be taken,” he said.

Describing corruption as a cancerous cell, the Sultan said if graft could not be wiped out, it should be checked effectively.

He also took to task government agencies that continued to slow down approvals for foreign investors, saying the lackadaisical attitude of some government servants had affected the investment momentum.

“They must change their mindset because delays mean escalating costs and lost job opportunities, which may even lead to corrupt practices,” he said.

The Sultan said he was upset because the mindset of some people had not changed, saying he feared investors may move to neighbouring countries which were very competitive in attracting investors.

Selangor, he said, was one of the country’s most important states and he needed to emphasise this.

In a strongly worded interview, the Sultan said he had given Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Mohamed Khir Toyo a deadline for applications after the end of an investment promotion trip.

He acknowledged the Federal Government had set up the Special Task Force to Facilitate Business (Pemudah) to fast-track procedures and transactions between the Government and private sector.

“That is good but more needs to be done because the feedback from investors is that there is a greater need for a bigger push. Time waits for no one. We do not want investors to be discouraged from investing in Malaysia, as our neighbouring countries would also be willing to accept them.”

The Sultan also expressed his concern over the country’s brain drain, saying talented young people were leaving the country.

“No one, irrespective of his race, should be denied any opportunities. I am sad to see good people being lost to other countries,” he said.

He said Singapore was the greatest benefactor and that even the Singapore National Library was designed by a Malaysian.

In another case, he said, a highly qualified Malaysian academic was not accepted by local universities but was invited by the National University of Singapore to head a department.

The Sultan feared talent from the tourism and hospitality sectors would be affected when the island republic’s integrated entertainment resorts opened.

On race relations, he called for the young to have friends from other races, saying this was important.

He said Tunku Abdul Rahman was very particular about national unity and as the nation celebrated Merdeka, no one should forget his legacy of insisting on racial harmony.

The Sultan urged the people in Selangor to reject any form of racial and religious intolerance.

“Islam respects other religions and other religions must also respect Islam,” he said, adding multiracialism must be instilled at primary school level.

“If there is a need to re-evaluate our school system, then our authorities must do so to promote better racial harmony,” he said.

On crime, he said the police needed support from the people as they lacked manpower and facilities to fight crime.

The Sultan said he had asked the Selangor state government to install more CCTVs as a way to check crime.

He said he was aware Selangor had the highest crime rate because of the influx of people from other states and foreigners to work in the state.

On the environment, he said the state had planted over a million trees while the palace had committed itself to planting 5,000 trees on its grounds.

“The environment is our concern and will remain so. Tree replanting is essential,” he said, adding that tree-planting efforts in Bukit Jelutong were commendable.

The Sultan said he was also upset with the use of his name by unscrupulous people for securing state awards or low-cost houses.

“I am disheartened by such people because Selangor does not sell state awards, that is clear, even to the people.

“But I am glad that the people in Selangor have taken the trouble to call the palace to verify claims from such dishonest people,” he said.

The Sultan said the people could call his private secretary Datuk Mohamed Munir Bani at 03-5519 4242 or e-mail to check.

He said the palace believed in transparency and would be pleased to get feedback from the rakyat on developments in Selangor.

Friday, August 03, 2007

The Lost White Man's Burden Re-discovered

Just slightly over a century ago, colonialism was at its peak. The western powers empowered by science or enlightened by a certain religion (according to some of their less empowered ones), were ruling over most of the world.

The 'grab of Africa the final continent' had just begun. If this sounds like the 'final frontier' in Star Wars, it's because everyone copies. Especially the less imaginative ones - go read Eridu Genesis and Epic of Gilgamesh for other samples of more mis-divine copies.

One of the then most notable colonial 'prize' was of course India whose 300+ million submitted meekly to 2,000 British men. They became so priceless they were called the jewel of the crown. I still cannot figure this one out but perhaps they submitted to the power of the cross - the one they affix to the top of gunpowdered canons, not the other canons that blow hot air.

The similarly numerous Chinamen were on a 'higher' plane and did not submit to either type of crosses. The ones that did found that it did not help despite their clear closer to god numerical advantage - go read about the 4 sons of god and brothers of JC in Taiping Revolution.

'High' on opium (from India of course) Chinamen did not submit entirely but were happily paying out 'damages' and giving up land parcels everytime those powers whacked them at their home. (If this sounds a bit like Palestine today, it is because both should thank the British)

The British started whacking the Chinamen first, got tonnes of silver and land pieces like Hong Kong for free and showed how profitable that strategy was, that they & others took turns and did it time and again for more than half a century. Chinamen just sucked it in (the opium, there was little pride left) and paid.

Chinamen's then barbarian 'sea ghost' and 'red hair ghost' hot air views of the white men was not hot enough to scare the others but was not unlike Rudyard Kipling's reverse view below.

The British also got the continued right to sell opium - it was justified under 'free market principles' according to the Scot Adam Smith famous for his 'invisible hand'. With Indians, Chinamen and likes working for them for so little at faraway lands, no wonder that fella imagined there existed a mysterious invisible hand that fed him while he loitered and pondered for enlightenment. May be in his mind, his god's mysterious ways could have a hand in it too.

Along with it the powers also got things like 'most favoured nation' status which accorded each power the same rights that other 'MFN' nations got. That meant that when one whacked the Chinamen and got something new, the others all get the same 'favour' automatically - who said Chinamen were not generous? Stupid maybe but generous nevertheless.

To the powers, China was therefore like high heaven - on a higher plane.

With close to nothing left, the worst-off of the Chinamen losers left the colonialists' heaven and went overseas and produced most of the oversea Chinamen we have today. Don't know about you but me included. Any oversea Chinaman who thinks he is so smart & good in great enlightenment should note this.

The places where these Chinamen landed were colonies ruled by the same powers that whacked them in China. The reason why this was the case was 2 fold: shipping and cheap labour.

With the colonialists shipping things out more than into the colonies (the cancer part of things), their ships were usually empty one way. Paying Chinamen cargoes helped maximise revenues of the shipping companies.

Being cheap, hardworking and generally docile, the colonialists found such Chinamen to be convenient resources in lands where the natives were less forthcoming. As result, these Chinamen were treated more decently than at home or compared to the natives.

Given the comparatively better life (than back in China), these places were like high heaven to these Chinamen. So they gave these places names like Gum San (gold mountains) for certain part of the northern hemisphere, Sun Gam San (new gold mountains) for a part of the southern hemisphere, or Sai Gum San (small gold mountains) for a part nearer my current home.

With the seemingly 'higher status' but not aware of the shrewdness in their masters' motives, some of them and their offsprings took that heavenly feeling as divine rewards which their previous CHinamen deities could not offer and promptly submitted to their masters' deities in gratitude.

Some of the more useless ones just simply converted so as to get free food that the likes of the Jesuits were handing out. The funding for the food of course came from people like opium smoking Chinamen in China but it was not apparent to such Chinamen.

In contrast, the sharper Chinamen in China were not impressed and called the act of eschewing traditional deities for the food-giving ones Sik Gao (or eat via religion) - such people were only eschewing for some chew, no big dew.

Soon the Gum San stories spread like wildfires in China and more and more Chinamen losers began to appear in those gold mountains. Alarmed, the colonialists on the bigger Gum Sans already with intentions to keep them to themselves for good decided to restrict entry of more such Chinamen. And came up with ideas behind the 'green cards' or 'lotteries' that some present day Chinamen so cherish.

As opposed to proof of capability to make investments and other 'reasonable' qualifying requirements of present days, the requirements then were less demanding.

For example, in one of the gold mountains Chinamen then only had to prove that they were not an idiot, imbecile or insane to qualify for entry. But with those Chinamen who were illiterate and could only sqeak 'kagi gu kagi' and not the tongue of the colonial masters, it was easy for the immigration officers to dispatch any Chinaman off as any of those. To them 'kagi gu kagi' sounded like nuts speaking in tongue. Their child-like stupidity as described by Rudyard Kipling below was convenient too.

At the same time, the Germans had just gotten their nation building act together and wanted their 'fair share' of the colonial pie but was intentionally under-rewarded by the existing powers. See an example of this in Mark Twain's King Leopold's Soliloquouy

Knowing how good protestors the Germans make, the British, French & Russians (who later pulled out due to Lenin's revolution) would later gang up with the Zionists (see Balfour Declaration) to whack the Germans in WWI, and try to apply the same 'Chinaman pay' trick on the Germans when they surrendered under a good dose of American trickery.

With so many colluding to to keep those Goths down it was no wonder that the 'war to end all wars' was to duly set up the Germans for the blame of WWII. Unlike Chinamen the proud Germans would not pay for such humiliation. After all, they were the ones that last protested successfully against the popes, and anyone that dared to do that has no need for respect of other lesser beings, co-divined or special children of god notwithstanding.

To oil their industries and oversea adventures, the British, French and Americans of WWI also whacked the German's ally the Ottomans (Turks) and divided the spoils among themselves. Along the way they screwed the Arabs by way of legends like Lawrence of Arabia, and gave us 'modern' Middle East, Israel and the problems we still see today in places like poor terrorist Palestine and submissive Jordan. And the likes of rich Exxon-Mobil and BP.

At the same time, the Japanese after being humiliated 20 years earlier by the Americans whose Commodore Perry showed them how science can enlighten their ego through the Canon (not your popey type, hor), wanted the same. A few years later, they were all over the head of Chinamen (in Manchuria) gunning for the same 'Chinaman pay'.

The Americans, after pretending to free their slaves that their deity never talked about (they created a new country in Africa called Liberia for the 'free blacks' to lighten the burden on the Land of the Free tells something), refocused their effort in whacking the Spaniards and taking whatever they had.

They began by calling it their Monroe Doctrine. By the end of the 19th century, they had unrolled the Spaniards all the way down the Americas and up the Land of Philip, Philippines. If you think the Land of the Free meant to free up those ex-Spanish subjects from South America to Philippines (who so willingly traded themselves in for the Spanish cross), just look at where they all are today. Then apply it to Iraq's future.

By then, the British were beginning to feel the strain of 'ruling' their huge empire where the sun never sets and of withstanding competition from the likes of Russia and the upstart Germans and Japanese. The 'grab of Africa the last continent' that was only beginning would add greater demands for enlightenment.

So impressed by the American's final grab-all-Spanish act in Philippines, they decided to call upon their fellow and upcoming Anglo-Saxons from the Land of the Free to take over some of their so-called burden.

The more arrogant amongst them like a 'writer' by the name of Rudyard Kipling believed it was their divine duty (you know driven by what book hor, can guess lah) to rule over the lesser life-forms above which the idiot writer called 'half devil, half child' in his famous poem known as 'The White Man's Burden'.

The other Whiteman duly obliged and we have the 'American hegemony' many talk about today. I know of some strangely endowed ones who till recently still thought this is all conspiracy theories.

The same Kipling-type enlightenment continued through the 20th century where another bunch of similarly arrogant and idiotic Anglo-Saxon sons of criminals south of me helped enlightened the locals they call Aborigines with their 'lost generation'.

They of course enlightened the locals of more than that, they took over the entire continent, enthroned themselves as boss (later to be deputy sheriff in the vicinity) and, like their fellow Anglo-Saxons in Amerigo's land, packed the locals off to some far and small corners of their own land. If not for this, the richest guy in Kangaroo land today would not be called a Packer.

Thus, if you are a half-devil, half-child who cannot wait to be enlightened by the Whiteman's divinity, it is no wonder. You are not only keeping up with lost history and genes of your forefathers. You perhaps do wish to lighten your burden on some divinely nice people with their dynamite loaded canon balls. Or you can choose, their canons or balls.

Too bad you were not there to help the Taiping Revolution fellas win. Otherwise, your descendents would have much to be proud of - FOUR yellow-skinned sons of god leh, where to get?

But then you would have to pit your divinity against science for the British and Americans finally helped the Qing rulers canoned this bunch of idiotic mis-divined Chinamen all the way to meet their lord. They figured it was better to have one opium smoking Chinaman emperor rather than four mis-enligthened yellow-skinned lords of their book.
