Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Where are Thee, My Fella Nolah?

The world has lost and will continue to lose its natural heritage because of actions by supposed decendents of the great fella Nolah. Despite all their proclaimed God-like nature (albeit borne out of incest), man has yet to recognise that. Let alone control their actions & behaviours to stop/reverse the trend.

As a result, people like me really wish that our great Nolah fella can do an encore of his great feats. Then I'll be really impressed. But the 'smarter' Nolah-likes always say I cannot tell their Big Boss & Nolah what & when to do things otherwise I will be the Big Boss. Smart logic but other than say 'have faith lah' what better idea or solution to this
destruction do these 'smarter' Nolah-likes have? If history is any indication, not for another 2 thousand years at least!

By then bye bye to more life forms. But the good news is that any future Nolah need only to build a small tubby boat which won't need a hundred years to build. Unlike our poor last fella (may be the kinder Big Boss took pity on our last fella).

Just mere passing knowledge....


p.s. anyone interested in getting a copy of my cheap bible on Nolah can request through e-mail to http://us.f416.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=cheekhiaw@yahoo.com&YY=29333&order=down&sort=date&pos=0&view=a&head=b

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