Monday, May 31, 2004

Do you know what is happening?

Do you know what all these headline news in BBC today has in common? There are 4 different countries with seemingly nothing in common.

[Saudi Arabia] One country is the largest exporter of oil to the US & ruled by people installed by the British for their common convenience - now they have terrorists don't know for what reason.

[Venezuela] Another is the 2nd largest exporter to the US but whose popularly elected President decided that saving the poor was more important than enriching the oil magnates - now he is not popular don't know for what reason.

[Iraq] The third has the potential to be 2nd largest exporter to the US - it was recently whacked by the US and British don't know for what reason.

[Afghanistan] The last offered a path for the Americans & their cronies to build their pipelines to the rich oil fields in Central Asia that used to be controlled by the Russians and a potential source of oil for India & China - it was whacked by the US and British don't know for what reason.

Don't know who come up with such things. Don't know for what reason....

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