Monday, January 05, 2004

Something to Think About

(My response to article at the bottom)


Lest we all become parrots that follow after such 'they are less virtuous than me' crap from the white man, the other MAJOR reasons why the 'rich' countries are rich are the following:

1. the wealth accrued from centuries of plundering other people's wealth and natural resources (up till the present day) through the use of force

- Canada, NZ & Australia ARE rich in natural resources and the white men there ARE enjoying them now after killing off almost all the locals.

- their population were decendents of plunderers from all the ex-colonies(if only u know how many Australians were from old South Africa, Rhodesia etc.). Their relatives there still control much of the businesses and natural resources there e.g. whites (<>Contents of message forwarded to me titled 'Something to Think About'
(supposedly ‘copyrighted 1997 Michael J. Bonnel’ in small prints)

To reflect and act…

The difference between the rich and poor countries is not the age of the country. This can be shown by countries like Egypt and India which are more than 2,000 years old but poor. On the other hand, look at Canada, NZ and Australia which 150 years ago were inexpressive but are now developed and rich.

The difference between the rich and poor countries does not reside in their natural resources. Japan has limited territory, 80% mountainous, and unsuitable for agriculture and cattle raising but is the second largest economy in the world. The country is like an immense floating factory, importing raw materials from the whole world and exporting manufactured products. Another example is Switzerland which does not grow cocoa but has the best chocolates in the world. In its small territory they raise animals and plant the soil 4 months in a year. Not enough they produce the best dairy products in the world. It is a small country that transmit an image of security, order & labour, that makes it a strong safe.

Executives from rich countries that communicate with counterparts in poor countries show that there is no significant intellectual difference.

Race or skin colour also is not important: immigrants from poor countries labeled as lazy in their countries of origin are the productive power behind rich European countries.

What is the difference then? The difference is their attitude framed along the years of education and culture.

On analyzing people in rich and developed countries we find that the great majority follow the following principles in life:
- Ethics, as basic principle
- Integrity
- Responsibility
- Respect to laws and rules
- Respect to rights of other citizens
- Work loving
- Strive for savings and investment
- Will of super action
- Punctuality

In poor countries, only a minority follow such principles in their daily life. We are not poor because we lack natural resources or nature is cruel to us. We are poor because we lack the attitude. We lack the will to comply with and to teach these functional principles of rich and developed societies.

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