Monday, August 13, 2001

Brainteaser for Asian Geniuses

I received a chain mail with supposedly Mensa Brainteasers that claimed that those that score high marks are geniuses. As the teasers had a number of items relating to the Bible and western history, and one on South African currency, I figured it was probably from some South African white out to 'prove' that people of his type are smarter than others (presumably blacks in his home country). The teaser was clearly stacked so that such a person will have an unfair advantage (and score higher). So I decided develop the below brain teasers that is more stacked in favour of Asians. That way we can have more Asian 'geniuses' and less white ones!

Subject: Re: Mensa Brainteaser

Try my MENSA test below.

May be we can give the below items to some westerner and tell them they are genius only if they get more than 6 correct, and see how they perform. Doesn't matter if you can't get them yourself. Anyone who wants answers to below can get from this self declared genius (if South African whites can do it so can I).

a. 13 S in M
b. 5 S in S F
c. 100 S in 1 R
d. 16 T in 1 K
e. 3 P in a S T T
f. 28 D in a L M
g. 15 P to a B G
h. K is the H B for the M
i. M is 8 T the S of I and O
j. 5 B of C C
k. K M is from I


CCK said...

To: Chee-Khiaw Cheng@JPMORGAN
Subject:Re: Mensa Brainteaser

any clues to this??? to get the ans, one must think like u.

i'm sure these r tricky stts made by u knowing u have your own originality.

To: Ee Lin Khoo@JPMORGAN
bcc: friends, family
Subject: Re: Mensa Brainteaser

Clues are :

- you are not tested for someone else's history and knowledge (so you learn not to imitate them)

- do not think west alone and think closer to home, or a mix of west and east, north and south

- no tricks, pure facts that you can verify

- your grandmother may score better than you if she is Malay, Indonesian, Indian or Chinese

Not fair? hey, that's more than half the world. More than South African Christians!

Of course, your grandmother will not likely do so if she is English (nothing to do with race, just that she would most probably be sipping tea in her cricket club while the other grandmas were slogging it out in the marketplace, an experience that may be helpful for a few of the quiz items)

- A few of the items can be linked to the English if you work out some history before the reign of Pu Yi, Hirohito or George VI (choose one that you are familiar with). The easiest but not necessarily most correct method to link all of them requires a history of no more than 6,000 years.

- see how fair I can be.... so much clues and so honest (as compared to those South Africans)

All the best.

CCK said...

To: Chee-Khiaw Cheng@JPMORGAN
Subject: Re: Mensa Brainteaser

Any more clues for the ??? below ?

a. 13 S in M 13 States in Malaysia
b. 5 S in S F 5 Stars in Singapore Flag
c. 100 S in 1 R 100 Sen in 1 Ringgit
d. 16 T in 1 K 16 thails in 1 kati
e. 3 P in a S T T 3 Players in a Sepak Takraw Team
f. 28 D in a L M 28 Days in a Lunar Month
g. 15 P to a B G ???
h. K is the H B for the M Koran is the Holy Bible for the Muslims
i. M is 8 T the S of I and OM is 8 Times the Size of I an O ???
j. 5 B of C C ???
k. K M is from I K M is from India ???

To: Christopher Lim@JPMORGAN
cc: friends, family
Subject: Re: Mensa Brainteaser

What a genius you almost are! 6 correct so far......some self awareness will tip the scale.

cc: Christopher Lim@JPMORGAN
Subject: RE: Mensa Brainteaser

Adding on Chris's list
f. 28 D in a L M 28 Days in a Lady's Menstruation
g. 15 P to a B G 15 Pints to a British Gallon

cc: Christopher Lim@JPMORGAN
Subject: RE: Mensa Brainteaser

Hi friend,
your f. was creative but not universally true.

your g. was more creative, you came up with a whole new Singaporean imperial measure!

CCK said...

Complete answers :

a. 13 states in Malaysia

b. 5 stars in Singapore Flag

c. 100 sen in 1 Ringgit

d. 16 tahils in 1 kati

e. 3 players in a sepak takraw team

f. 28 days in a lunar month

g. 15 points to a badminton game

h. Koran is the holy book of the muslims

i. Mahabrata is 8 times the size of Iliad and Odyssey

j. 5 books of confucian classics

k. Keroncong music is from Indonesia