Saturday, March 17, 2001

Organic Fools

One weekend when my sister & family from Batu Pahat was visiting, they brought along some home-grown vegetables for us. On learning that the vegetables we were having for dinner were 'organic', another relative in Singapore expressed interest in getting some in the future as she also 'believed' in the benefits of organic food.

So months later when we visited my sister, we brought back some of those vegetables and my mom gave some of them to this other relative who upon seeing that there were holes on the vegetables exclaimed 'ee! how come got holes one?'.

I did not know what to say but wondered on what basis this fella expected the vegetables grown without the 'protection' of insecticides to be 'hole-free'. It is like expecting the insects not to touch those vegetables and to leave them exclusively only to humans!

Only fools think that nature is made only for man, and they can have exclusive right to nature's offerings ......

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