Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Training of Dogs (draft)

General Notes:
- best time is when dog is 6 to 12 weeks old
- dog must be trained to know that owners are the 'leaders of pack' and dog must submit
e.g. owner walks in front, dog always give way and not block, dog eats after owners
- ignore dog when it is trying to get attention
- train only 5 to 15 min each session (best after nap), 3 times a day. Results in 3 weeks
- use stern 'No!' as punishment or yank on leash (no delays)
- reward dog immediately with pat, food and/or 'good dog'
- change lesson or stop training when dog is tired or not interested
- end training sessions with 'free' and play with it as reward

How to leash dog during training
Do not put leash low down on neck of dog as dog will have more power to overcome leash pull.
Put leash high up towards head as that gives owner more leverage when pulling on leash.

Order of training:

1. 'Keel' (walk by side of owner): with dog on side, tap your side, say 'keel' and start walking. Never let dog walk ahead (and be leader). When dog goes ahead, yank on leash. Tap your side and say 'heel'. When back on your side, pat and say 'good dog'.

As dog develops, train by going further and in circle or 8-shapes.

2. 'Come': from some distance away say 'come'. Reward dog immediately when dog reaches you

2. 'Sit': with dog beside or in front of you, give command. Wait for dog to sit and reward immediately. Press hind of dog if needed.

3. 'Down' (lie down): same as 'sit' but reward when down on all fours

4. 'Stand': same as 'sit' but more difficult to train as dogs tend to sit or down as submission to leader. So give command gently and don't punish in this training.

5. 'Stay': (do after dog trained on sit, down or stand) Start with dog on your side. Use hand signal, say 'stay', take a step away and keep saying 'stay' & hand signal to make sure dog stays. End by going back to start position and give reward.

As dog gets better, extend training. Take further steps away but keep looking at dog and repeating 'stay' and hand signal. As dog develops, extend duration from 5 sec to 2 mins and distance etc. (including walking around dog).

6. 'Fetch': Use a toy

7. 'Pooh Pooh' (Da Bian): 2 Weeks
- Leash dog to his 'sleep area' (dogs will not shit or urinate there). During training period, do not let dog off its leash.

- Identify a 'toilet area' (6 ft x 10 ft) where you want dog to go to urinate or shit. Concrete flooring preferred since you can wash and clean up after that

- Fix a schedule for when you bring dog to 'toilet area' (at least 2 times/day for adults, more often for puppies). Best time for that is after sleep, play or food

- On sheduled time, bring dog on leash to 'toilet area' and stand there for 5 mins to wait for dog to relieve itself. Keep dog on leash so that it cannot run around or play and confuse 'pooh' time with 'free' time and do NOT talk or play with dog while waiting for you want dog to learn that it is 'pooh' time and not play time

- if dog urinate or shit within that time, immediately praise the dog and reward it with food or play (remember to say 'free') and then leash it back to home area. Repeat going to toilet at the next scheduled time

- if dog does not relieve within that time, bring dog back to home area and keep it leashed (do not pat or play with it, and do not wait for more than 5 mins). Repeat going to toilet after 30 mins

- any time you notice that dog bahaves like it want to relieve itself (like sniffing, walking in circle or making sound) bring it to toilet per above

- if training on shedule is done well, it takes 1 to 2 weeks for dog to be trained

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