Friday, March 21, 2008

Malaysian Hat Tricks

Comments posted in Malaysia Today on reports after the 2008 general elections of Perlis Sultan's insistence that all MPs appearing before him must wear the Songkok (Malay hat), and some DAP reps' refusal to comply.

A storm in a songkok

1st comment:

Much ado about what covers the head when what is needed for the country is to enlighten that which the hats cover.

Throughout history, all cultures (political and religious) in power deemed themselves honoured when their subjects are made to wear their costumes. What got to be put on the heads was apparently especially important to those 'powerful' people of the dark ages whether they were from Europe, Middle East or Asia.

As an example, to the arrogant Manchu rulers of China a century or so ago, their mandatory 'pig tail' hairstyle was the epitome of their overlordship (they had their own NEP system too) and was to be compromised only at the price of the head. The Qing, of course, gained more lasting infamy than respect from that antic of theirs.

The 'songkok' is, of course, something some people copied from the Turks.

History seems to show that it is the arrogant vile that feel most honoured if others ape after them, and feel most exalted by their one-size fits all version of 'only my way or nothing'. The US of George Bush Jr. is just the latest ‘global’ version of such arrogance.

Today we see first hand how our own version of such a 'My Way' attitude by an M character had created the Malaysian Dilemma. Forcing others to wear his stupid notions in their head is far worse than that of forcing outfits on others, but they all have small beginnings.

It may start with a book, a hat, or a megalomaniac's dream.


Subsequent posts (as web arguments on whether the DAP reps should or should not have submitted to the Songkok-or-nothing rule):

People can choose to have fun with others' costumes but they should not get to choose to have fun with others' liberty.


One can put whatever one likes on one's own head based on whatever reasons one can find or dredge up. One should however not think that one had it all sorted out and thereforth to insist that all others should ape after him.

It is perhaps better that one knows where to cap it all off.

And do you think that unto such as you;
A maggot-minded, starved, fanatic crew:
God gave the secret—and denied it me?
Well, well, what matters it? Believe that, too.
- Rubaiyat, Omar Khayyam


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