Tuesday, October 05, 2004


Interesting article which reminds me of one thing.

According to the writer, people's top wish just before they die always relate to topic of play or regrets of not enough of that on earth. But they did not mention/notice that people of certain religion(s) wish they could die faster (or has such regret) even though by their faiths they are quite sure they will soon be spending time with God which I suppose is a privilege.

I am talking about those whose faith gives them the gall to proclaim quite unbrazenly in obituaries that they have been 'called back to be with the Lord' when they die.

If one is so cock sure that God wants him/her to be on Him, I would think that one will be most eager to go and be with such exalted company without regrets!

After all, their relatives will be joining them there in a matter of time anyway. And like their faiths say, they shall have a great time together throughout eternity in the company of the Big Boss!


Re: Immaterial?
From: Chung Meng

When it's your time to go, what will you be taking with you ... really?

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