Sunday, October 15, 2000

Why Maids Are Not Allowed in Cricket Club

ST reported recently about a member of Singapore Cricket Club challenging the club for forbidding her Sri Lanka maid from entering the club. The Club claimed that it was specified as condition of club membership. The question is why are maids not allowed in the club? Pick the correct answer from below:

A. Members in club are not distinguishable from maids and do not want to be mistaken as one (see next point)

B. Members' parents and grandparents were treated the same way by the club when it was exclusive to their colonial masters and they were not allowed to enter the club. So their children now want to do the same to others to feel as good as their parents' colonial masters.

C. Members paid so much money to show off they could not afford to be seen there with someone else's maid

D. All of the above.

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