Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A Merdeka Dream

Poem posted in Malaysia Today site and comments arising

27/08: A Merdeka Dream
Category: General Posted by: Raja Petra

by Joseph David

Fifty years of freedom
We celebrate with joy today
A rich and peaceful kingdom
We hear the whole world say

We remember all the warriors
Who gave lives with no ease
Let’s look beyond all barriers
And learn to live in peace

Our leaders gave us vision
That we may walk the path
Let there be no contention
That makes way for wrath

The future lies in our hands
To bear the torch and lead
Let no man go with hunger pangs
Because of pride and greed

Malaysia, O Malaysia
How I wish you well
To be the light of Asia
Let the future with pride tell


krisingh1 wrote:
Hidup UMNO!
Hidup UMNOputera!
Mana ada Bangsa Malaysia!
27/08 09:43:28

smeagroo wrote:
MErdeka's dream? Wake up late and go party with friends for a get together and tell them how corrupted the govt is and we can hv a laugh. JUst another holiday to me. When my son saw the 6 jet planes fly by this monring, i told him that's our PM going for his holiday again.
27/08 10:32:08

hakim abdullah wrote:
Fifty years of freedom?
you must be confuse I say
A corrupted Animal Kingdom
that's what you'll hear us say

who remembered the warriors
all hidden from public eyes
If they are not with Umno
they all deserve to die

our leaders gave us lesions
from bottom and on our head
what is there to walk
when we all have no legs

What lies in UMNO hands
is blood, pride and greed
It matters not to them
unless it is their own shit

Malaysia, O Malaysia
How I wish you can tell
with our current ministers
we are all marching to hell

27/08 10:34:04

jabins wrote:
hakim abdullah "You Said It Well!!"
The undercurrents brought to the surface!!!
27/08 12:24:47

raven1958 wrote:
Enough.....Merdeka day this year must be treated as a funeral and everyone must where a black arm band..........
27/08 13:50:20

sampalee wrote:
Nice word without facts is simply bullshit.It is definately bullshit that malaysia is light of asia,when malaysians are living in darkness.
27/08 15:37:15

jules wrote:
27/08 20:00:53

msiaman wrote:
Not trying to be racist here but UMNO knows that Indian are the most obedian. However opressed, they still can sing praises for the ruling dogs.

Makes you wonder where Namewee was staying. He must have been left out in the slump of the country or this writer is a real dreamer. Maybe someone should slap him out of his dreams!
27/08 22:50:58

qwerty wrote:
Fifty years of freedom
To plunder, rob & rape
The treasurys’ ours to keep
Nary a fart hoi polloi

We remember all the warriors
We slaughtered with schemes & lies
Those we could not kill, we bought.
For it’s said, everyman has his price.

Our leaders gave us vision
From outside looking in
As UMNO & cronies with feast galore
We waited for crumbs they kindly tossed.

The future lies in our hands
To bear the cost of living skyward bound
Families feasting on garden escargot
Burnt to death TENAGA bills not paid

Malaysia. O Malaysia
If only you could speak
“Have you not heard, Am now the Sickman of Asia.
Heck, 50 years of crap I am calling it quit!"

Apology to Joseph David.
Just couldn't stomach your poem.
Read that Dato Zakaria got off scot free YET AGAIN! He has more lives than a cat! That's 50 years of Merdeka for you.

Smell the coffee.
27/08 23:19:54

Graham Stone wrote:
Merdeka A Wet Dream, or reality!!!!

You have the vote!....so it's up to you!

No use blogging about it...do something!
28/08 01:11:32

Graham Stone wrote:

Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has today for the first time said that Malaysia was an Islamic state and not a secular state.
28/08 01:38:44

TheWrathOfGrapes wrote:
.A Merdeka Nightmare.

Fifty years of fiefdom
We endured with toil
Untold riches for UMNOdom
But not for the hoi polloi.

We remembered the fake warriors
Who waved their crooked keris
And barked like bull terriers
Trying to disrupt the peace.

Our leaders gave use nightmares
NEP, Islamic state, Ketuanan Melayu
Challenge us – don’t you dare
Racial harmony? – it had gone askew.

The future is careening out of our hands
No one is leading; no one bearing the torch
What’s happening to this resource-rich land,
That’s being ranscked, plundered and scotched?.

Malaysia, O Kesal Malaysia
From almost an economic tiger
That vision is now blurred
Reality is – you are now the sick man of Asia.
28/08 10:29:50

Hockchew wrote:
Ape tu Merdeka?<<>>
28/08 11:46:05

harimau kayu wrote:
Brethren and all,

There is no secret in all these. The people are fed up with the corrupted and lying BN government led by a sleeping Bodowi and a womanising Najis!! Phui..phui...phui!! you lying busturds..may you rot in hel..

We want a free and independent country,
we want discrimination to be eradicated,
we are a secular state not an islamic one..
we want an independent judiciary..
we want meritocracy
we want an honest and fair police force

Is that too hard to understand..you muter phuckers!! Stop the corruption. Start managing the country.

The time for pro-active action is NOW. If you are pissed with this corrupted government embezzling millions of Rakyat's money, then you should march for peace and democracy on 31st August.

Saudara saudiri dari semua kaum, Bergerak la pada Hari Merdeka, bukan meyambut Merdeka..tapi untuk Protest against the Government.

31st August - Let's rumble in the streets of Malaysia
31st August - End of the corrupted BN government
31st August - End of NEPotism and Cronism
31st August - End of Mediocracy
31st August - End of Police state
31st August - Restoaration of an independent judiciary
31st August - Restoration of freedom of speech
31st August - Restoration of freedom of religion!!

Brethren of all races (not just Chinese), do you have the balls to act for the betterment of Malaysians??
28/08 12:23:53

cheekhiaw wrote:
Hi fellow Malaysians with poems of many kinds,

Celebrate Merdeka Day anyway you wish but please note that the day has nothing to do with the people that led or are leading the country. Let's not mix them up.

We all has the right to make the day special in our own ways with our dreams, aspirations, cynicism, criticisms and all.

But let's not lose hope of a better future. For when we lose hope we forsake our souls and human decency which I am sure is not in the spirit of this site.

This land is still special and perhaps even sacred too to us in our own ways.

Let's use our combined intellect, compassion and endeavor to help build a better future.

That can best be done if we reach out to each other in a positive manner and not be ruffled by the slightest or frivolous misgiving or disagreement.

Let's direct our dismay and anger at the culprits likewise and conduct ourselves with the dignity and decorum our hopes and this site deserve.

Then we can say that we are indeed different and on a higher plane.

All the best to you all.
28/08 21:17:45

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