For the UMNO politicians that ocassionally brandish their keris (little crooked knives) in veiled threats to the other races so as to keep them silent and servile
We, the Chinese of this land
deem it the right for all men born to this land
to live in and share it in peace and with dignity.
And to contribute to its wholesomeness and well-being
to the limits of our ability.
As such, we shall to do our solemn part
in promoting peace and harmony among all creeds
and to protect the safety and dignity of all for whom this home we share.
With compassion and intelligence we shall care
for all our nation’s young regardless of their color or race.
We will with earnest and dedication
empower them with wisdom and knowledge
so that they will come together as a light
that shall shine bright upon our common land
and bring with it hope of a better future for all.
As much as the beauty of this land and its common people
occupy a precious place within our hearts
and are cherished as inseparable to our happiness,
we are also imbued with a spirit, pride and hardiness
etched by the blood of those that flowed before us.
Therefore, we on the good and decent part
hereby deplore the vile who threaten with their crooked knives
to slice away our right and our dignity, and to keep us servile.
And we implore those crooked lives full of bile
to desist from carving our nation apart and come out of the wild.
In the event they choose to err
and attempt to proceed with their fore swear,
we wish to let it be known abundantly clear
that we the descendents of the Chinese heart
will not let our people be cut apart like a game without depart.
For we are no mere sons of the soil but that of a great culture
long accustomed to rising above threats of nature and such of any feature
no matter how the ebbs flow and our blood have to follow,
our history and our hearts lest the vile may not know
will never let others draw its breathe and simply swallow.
Like a bamboo with the winds we at times sway
among us you will find ones that hold no bay.
We do not live by the sword to make our day
but when push comes to shove turns to slay
respond and act we will with our considered way.
So take heart of the Chinese heart, you the crooked heart.
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