Thanks for the nice pictures. Hopefully, people get a small picture of where we stand in the context that the gods deal with.
Note that the comparison herein is just one between a few stars & planets, a comparison of entities in the sub-virus dimension to the gods' realm. Probably meant to aid the less imaginative super-submini-viruses who cannot 'see' despite their claimed 'great searches'.
And note that those are 'balls' we are dealing with hor, not flat discs unlike what some supposedly god inspired fellas no less than the Pontiffs (and their predecessors the Pontifex Maximus and likes) insisted for a few thousand years till Copernicus, Galileo and the likes (commonly known as the 'heretics' then) enlightened them otherwise. And only after a few of the latter's predecessors were burnt off by the former for 'lack of respect'.
There are many ways to show how these fellas lack depth - this flat out missing out of 1 entire godly dimension is just one of the more obvious ones.
Only after that, of course, did Columbus and the likes dared to sail beyond the horizon and started the phenomenon known as colonialism with people like Chinamen, Indians, Africans and more starring as sub-humans to be enlightened, in more ways than one (is that why we are doing this?).
That's also why you don't find Chinamen 'finding' the god of Rome until the last couple of centuries (the converse is also true, but we have a smaller bubble there to burst).
Useless Chinamen hor? So many centuries cannot find the 'true god', must wait for Columbus, Jesuits & likes.
Or if you choose to protest, you of course have to thank the presumptious Germans who ended up getting whacked in the World Wars and that English king who wanted to dump the Spanish King's relative to have another woman - all of which was against the Pope's inspired choice (political and not divine hor).
So inspiring, such histories...
Aiyah, these are all history of course and boh pakai claimed some Chinamen who at the same time draw inpsiration from some low-end fiction from further back in history.
In the order of the universe of the gods, the biggest star you see here would be no where near a pixel. So it takes a lot of bull & balls for some people to claim they are special to the gods, doesn't it?
If it is this super-submicro-virus, I'd stay real low. But I think the others get away with it because the gods really don't give such trivialities a damn - regardless of whether the claimed sub-virus-to-god communications are done weekly or 5 times a day, at-meal or off-meal.
Thanks to science, their huge egoistical bubbles are now big flat discs unlike what their predecessors held so dear- what with all the hot air taken out.
Hey, certain books say that life came into being when the gods gave some clay mixture some of their 'breathe'. Hot air, in earthly speak. Indeed ...
Forwarded Message
From: "Tham, Louis Tuck Peng"
To: Chee Khiaw Cheng
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 8:58:53
Subject: FW: Where the Earth is ....
something that you are already aware of.. and has been discussing....
now the visual representation. i think the last pic explain the physical significance of earth where the sun is represented only by a pixel...
Now, THIS is really fascinating - I've never really given this any thought whatsoever, but it's rather dazzling to see it is presented this way.
I certainly thought this was enlightening. Didn't even realize we knew much beyond our sun .... It's a big universe.

Antares is the 15th brightest star in the sky. It is more than 1000 light years away.
So... See how insignificant we really are, in this heavenly arrangement of the Almighty but still we have a place, space & very well known existence.
So Friends....make your stay on this planet, a really worth while.
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