Monday, July 16, 2007

A Billion S$ to Buy Respect?

Here is the latest revelation from the houses of the gods. You may call it Dirty John XXX.XX (per the movie ratings hor). As you will see below, even Hugh Hefner cannot beat their rating - Mr Hefner is perhaps too ungodly.,0,3842358.story?coll=la-tot-topstories&track=ntothtml

Though this is not new it should still bother us enough to ask these questions:

1. 508 cases in one city? How long did each case last before the gods reported them to the communions?

Chay, if the communions are too dumb to see, the gods cannot be the same mah. And if even Chinamen can do god-comm, the gods can surely do reverse god-comm right? Hah, not 2-way one ah? Even Motorola from west and Samsung from east can do that you know

What sort of god are they worshipping?

Since they claim that they are made in the image of their god and their priests are supposedly 'closer' to their god, you figure out what their god is like, can?

Can lah. If cannot, it will prove you are nowhere near godlike and lower class than those fellas in the report you know?

2. The supposedly more holier among humans admitted to the abuses and agreed to pay?

What amount of evidences there must have been. Unlike the popes of earlier times, the less holy ones of our time work base on proofs & evidences, and not proof by surviving fire of the stakes, hor.

I wonder if anyone of the communions back then tried telling the popes of stakes-times to take the same proving procedure on their claim that their book is the word of god, hor? (For the uninformed, they burnt people who contradict them based on the excuse that if they were right they would survive the burning.)

We note that neither history nor the book recorded the existence of a walking Char Siew Pope.

With so many jokers making the claim their god was the 'true god', Char Siew Men should be all over the place, no? No, only char siew pao and char siew mien. (For non-Chinamen, 'char siew' literally means 'burnt on stakes')

[Side Note: In one case, during the siege of Antioch in one of their crusades, a fella claimed he found the 'holy lance'. But others that could not get along with him disputed the claim. So he duly submitted himself to the 'test' and was char-siewed but he did not walk. He died of course - his enemies among the crusaders made sure the fire was big enough]

It had been reported that the present pope issued instructions for all their 'leaders' around the world to keep silent on such cases while he was the 'chief disciplinarian' when the other pope was still alive.

You believe his god had 'communicated' that instruction to him?

The fact that that guy still became a pope indicates that he at least has a special place in the heart of their god (if exist).

Hah, you see, their god works in mysterious ways & keeping silent about it is one of them!

Sometimes their god likes to hide, sometimes not. Sometimes their god likes to watch men having fun with kids at the latter's expense in His house? No? How do you know? Your god works in mysterious ways.

3. Apparently a number of parishes in other parts of US declared bankruptcy when faced with similar charges - their so-called 'sins' can perish just like that meh?

Bankruptcy of the monetary nature is the least of their problems, don't you think?

4. So how many cases did they managed to get away with because the poor kids were either too scared or scarred to talk about the abuses?

And their parents/guardians too stupid or dumb (hey, faith can do alot of such things esp. if you add to it the strange ways the god-like ones work) to be aware of it or too ashamed to face up to it?

Or because the kids are now doing the same to others believing that it's normal and perhaps even divine because they practiced it in holy places?

The parents of such kids are to be blamed. For what sort of parents would leave their children with other men with little supervision and prior advice but ones with misplaced notions.

5. US$660 million from 1 city? Where did all those money come from? That much of others' money to buy back respect for the gods' dirty agents?

They call it 'reconciliation' too - wah so nice people I also want to join if I am a paedophile hor?

You know when this set of godly people discovered the great powers of money?

Well, we know that it dates back at least to the great 'protest' when their 'fathers' used to do what is known as 'selling indulgences' where one can have 'sins' cleared by paying the church some money. Kind of turning sins into $ins.

With 2 billion humans or more living on less than US$1 a day, if they stay 'normal' like us unholy people they could have saved a lot of poor souls with that money. But then, like they say, their god works in strange ways.

Of course, those are not 'their' money but that of people who know no better where to place their generosity despite their supposedly godly blessings. Perhaps, they didn't truly search? God-comm link down? (chay so un-AmOne)

6. It was reported that more than 90% of their so-called 'houses of god' in the US have abuse cases. Can you imagine what this world will be like if 90% of the households in this world are like that?

I am not sure we can even find that sort of ratio in the zoos but then wild animals are not made in the image of their god, remember?

In LA alone, 221 fellas were reported to be involved in committing such 'acts' over 70 years. Only 3 fellas doing it per year if we assume 3 other fellas stop within a year (where got so faithful one).

Otherwise, the correct description of the situation is 'it's an orgy'

And you believe it only happened in the last 70 years? OK, let's have faith?

Are all these history irrelevant? I know of fellas that would think so ('think' may be overly generous given the lack of it but I quibble).

It is sad isn't it? Young children paying the price for the stupidity of the very people they trust with perhaps the purest sort of 'faith' you can find? I mean that of trusting in the judgement of their parents. Who, in this case, in all likelihood drew satisfaction in getting their young to ape after them and their misplaced believe in their 'holy brothers' who don't just love but also seem to love to more than fondle His children (of all children His children? how come boh kia si one hor? Perhaps gay, I mean geh one?)

A friend once told me that he was impressed with how accurate his particular book is, despite its age, in describing human behaviour. I told him then that he obviously read little, despite his age (wanted to add more but kia si and pai seh lah).

But just to see if he is right one more time, can someone tell me where in the book did they tell young children to beware of men fondling (under-statement intentional out of embarrassment) them in the name of god and in the house of god?

No can find? Even Marco Polo recorded in his travelogue, despite its age, about Chinamen openly fondling each other in public. Cheap book that one?

But all is not lost, perhaps. We can all call upon those fellas with god-comm ability to do their calls, telex or SMS: 'May god bless them all!'

And all shall be fine? Or fined, if you believe in the great powers of money and selling indulgences.

I cannot be serious, are you?

But one thing I am damn serious about - the next time a pope, mullah or monk dies, please don't ask me to give a minute silence (or demand any sort of respect from me).

The last time such an event happened I laughed at the joker who did that. We should be cheering - that stupid fella should be happy that his pope was 'going home to be with his lord' as they claim! But he whacked my legs on the football field the week after. I said Chinaman's revenge then. But may be that guy was blessed and god inspired? God's reprimand for me (sure si liao)?

In that case, how come no Chinaman is kicking the arse out of those major league xxxx above? (no term in my vocab for those sick fellas)

Or was that Chinaman kicker just on a cheap thrill worthy of this mail?


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