Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Idiots' Paradise

The Americans, British and Australians colluded in bluffing the entire world into believing that their effort of robbing the wealth of an oil rich country was for the freedom of the ones they subjugate.

And every time they get whacked back they label the others (from Sitting Bull to Ho Chi Minh to now Sadr) terrorists to again try and bluff the simple idiots of the world.

As usual, they are successful (but only to some degree). I know of people who really believed that and who tried to argue with me when I first challenged their effort 2 years ago.

These people claimed that people like me were conspiracy theorists, have too much time on my hands etc.

2 years later (that's an awfully long time for our modern world where info travels at speed of light but we can be forgiving) when even the idiots of the world now realised what had really happened, their leaders again tried to bluff the world - you saw how stupid all those 'special commission shows' were? If you believe their findings that all their combined intelligence were useless and orchestrated greed is not at play, then you should check your own (supreme ego notwithstanding).

History offers great lessons to those that try to learn from it. Those who don't will make simplistic conclusions to save themselves the effort.

The history of the hundreds of years of anglo saxon adventures (at the expense of others) are littered with examples such as that in this article:


Wars can be paradise for idiots like those American soldiers and their leaders who tried to bluff the other idiots of the world.

But then again, for those that never learn from history, this entire existence is an effort saving paradise...

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