Thursday, June 03, 2004

Jesus in Pencil

(I was forwarded a chain mail claiming that its attached pencil drawings of a Caucasian was that of Jesus. To which I responded to sender with the below)

The guy in the pictures looked like any Tom, Dick or Harry to me. But definitely not like any Ah Kow, Ah Beng, or Ah Niu. Other than that I don't know how anyone can tell he is Jesus...

Perhaps, if all humans are God's children he could make his own son look a bit like Tom here, Ah Kow there, Ali somewhere else, Siva another place? Would make it so so easy to convince idiots like me.

May be it was just a birth defect? Or may be it's the Ah Kows that are defective? Or may be it's just a case of the grass on the other side looks greener...

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