Saturday, March 02, 2013

Natural Food Encyclopaedia

Collection of foods and their benefits gathered from various sources:

Ginger (southeast Asia)
 + treats nausea, stomach upsets, sea sickness
 + ease arthritis pain
 + anti- inflammation, anti-cancer

Noni (India, Pacific islands)
 + softens coarse/hard skin (apply externally)
 + anti-cancer

Ginkgo (China, acidic soil, since 250m yrs ago; live up to 2,500 yrs)
 + enhance memory, reduce dementia
 + improve blood flow, anti-clot
 + anto-oxidant

 - pregnant woman should avoid

* 6 Ginkgo trees within 2km of Hiroshima atom bomb site are still alive today!

 + vitamin B17 (anti-cancer)

Spanish Thyme
 + anti-bacterial
 + treat cough, sore throat

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