Monday, June 20, 2005

Where Lies the Oil

Before petroleum oil took its current central seat in man’s ‘pursuit of freedom’ (esp. via the automobile), other forms of oil were used mainly for lighting and heating. This was before the advent of the ‘oil engine’ towards the later part of the Industrial Revolution (which finally led to the likes of the Shah and the Iranian Revolution which, of course, according to some conspiracy-theory-proof fellas have absolutely nothing to do with the topic here).

One of the most convenient sources of oil for lighting in those times more than a century ago, when factories needed men to work through the dark hours of the nights for the sake of ‘economic growth’, are whales which humans in certain countries hunted in huge numbers. It is therefore not surprising that the countries that spoke most loudly of the pursuit of freedom would be the ones that consumed the most oil and therefore whales. That counted Chinamen out - for those idiots were busy smoking opiums courtesy of the other fellas in a form of blissful heaven on earth. Today, there are other forms of intoxication equally blissful to oil such people.

The reason for mass whaling for oil was because oil from whales was relatively cheap to obtain. You only have to sail your ship to certain parts of the oceans and just wait for them to pass. One then merely need to pump a few harpoons into them, wait for the oceans to go red and the whales to go no more. And then you collect the huge carcasses of meat containing balloons of oil that these natural reservoirs provide by the tonnes.

Upon the advent of the ‘oil engine’ and the automobile, ‘free’ men’s demand and pursuit of oil became much more extreme. In fact, the more ‘free’ they are, the more oil they consume which explains why the ‘greatest’ democracy of the world consumes the ‘greatest’ amount (more than 3 times its fair share) of oil and feels so ‘free’ to whack others for it in the name of the other’s freedom, and spoil whatever men with sufficient omega-3 oil in their heads try to do to save the environment.

Thus defines the one defining resource of the modern and free world of today and for which huge ‘world wars’ and ‘war to end all wars’ were fought. In reality, they were wars to determine who get to control oil and end the effort from the others or losers to get to them. Therefore, losers like the Germans, Japanese, Indians and Chinese are left with no claim nor control of any oil resources outside of their own territories (the latter 2 considered losers even though they were on the ‘winning’ side, for other losing reasons - thousands of Indians dying for the 'empire where the sun never sets' notwithstanding).

But while the bigger fellas found it much more convenient (free?) going after the reservoirs of cheap petroleum oil, the smaller fellas found themselves playing with the smaller ones. Thus we have the Americans and British whacking the Arabs for the last century when ever they liked in the name of freedom or free trade, the Australians ‘saving’ Timor Leste from the Indonesians only to steal their oil now that they are smaller to bully, or, in the case of the Japanese, whacking the whales for their oil in the name of science.

We all know which one or ones are the more obvious lies but things don’t have to be that way if we have more of certain other things to oil those cells above our necks. Perhaps those omega-3 oils from the whales would help? No wonder the Japanese are so smart….

Observer report on ‘extraordinary effort by US to scupper British attempts to tackle global warming’:,6903,1509839,00.html

BBC report on voting in the ‘International Whaling Commission’ (no votes for the unhuman whales!):

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