Pls read report attached.,5562,294142,00.html?
According to some people 'Asia's earthquake, which hit the beaches of prostitution, tourism, immorality and nudity is a sign that God is warning mankind from persisting in injustice and immorality before he destroys the ground beneath them.' Whoever wrote that might have been thinking of places like Phuket. Clearly, the people that wrote such things are ignorant of the fact that the majority of the people that died in this disaster were poor and disadvantaged people living in villages in the poorest parts of Asia eeking out a living in the most honourable way I know of – hard work.
Further more, like our little critique in the Story of Nolah, a ‘Big Flood’ or in this case a ‘Big Wave’ is a rather crude and shot-gun approach to punish the immoral or the unjust given the limitless might often attached to the Gods by these idiots.
(Story of Nolah:
Such theories are what I call Idiot’s Theories. It is also proof that idiots also think alike – not only do great minds. So how do we tell the 2 groups apart? We do know that one group tends to enlighten and enrich, while the other tends to shock & awe us by doing the exact opposite.
I also wonder how come these idiots who call themselves ‘believers’ did not get any special instruction from the Gods (like our fella Nolah) to go save the good ones before the disaster struck. The fact that they were not ‘chosen’ to do such feats gives us reason to believe that they are not really in the Gods’ ‘good books’. Or may be the Gods did send them messages. Just that these people were just too stupid to be able to interpret those holy messages.
Either way, you believe the things these idiots say?
The wrath of god?
CAIRO - THE view that man provoked the quake with wanton behaviour was the subject of Friday sermons in Saudi Arabia and other religious commentaries.
'Asia's earthquake, which hit the beaches of prostitution, tourism, immorality and nudity,' one commentator said on an Islamist Web site, 'is a sign that God is warning mankind from persisting in injustice and immorality before he destroys the ground beneath them.'
Mr Walid Tabtabai, a member of the Kuwaiti Parliament, said the earthquake was a message. 'We believe that what occurs in terms of disasters and afflictions is a test for believers and punishment for the unjust,' he wrote in a column in the newspaper Al Watan.
He was only one among clerics from all religions trying to make sense of Asia's tsunami disaster and its massive toll on humanity.
To many, the question uppermost on their minds was - How could God let this happen?
The earthquake and tsunami showed no favour. But whatever their religion, people throughout Asia's affected areas turned to their respective God to help them through the crisis. -- NEW YORK TIMES
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