Thursday, July 29, 2004

Another Man the Gods Can Talk To

(report on death of Francis Crick, one of 2 scientists that discovered DNA and the double helix)

The life of another great mind that helped mankind understand a little bit more of Nature's laws had come to pass. While people like me may mourn their passing, the comfort we draw from this is now at least when the Gods have some time on their hands and want to share their thoughts a bit, they have at least one more soul that can at least talk some sense with Them.

Unlike the other idiots who only want to crowd around Them but can only repeat like broken records the words from the one book supposedly written by Them - which if true, They will obviously not be interested in!

Who wants some parrot to repeat the words one had written thousands of years ago, hor?

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Vietnamisation in the Making

AFP headlines:
Powell discusses with Saudis dispatch of Arab-Muslim forces to Iraq


Here they go again. Trying to get others to fight for what they started, and the ones they install. That's the best way to make money:

1. bomb the hell out of one guy and expend off old arms stock (i call this animalistic behavior)

2. install your guys so that all the big contracts come to you (many call this thuggery)

3. use that money for new arms development (economists call that Keynesian economics)

4. then get others to die fighting for those fellas you install (I call that vietnamisation)

5. then sell arms to both sides (they would call that free market)

Nice clean strategy for money making. As you can also see, the nicest thing about free market is that the powerful are free to determine what they are free to do to the market - and whatever they do (not others hor) are all part of free market.

Anyone wants them to admit aloud to everything before you realise/accept it? Like the Chinese say, to draw out the intestinals in a painting?

Tao of the Idiots

Makes you wonder why some idiots are so idiotic as to scheme to turn others thousands of miles away into idiots just like themselves? And then call the others terrorists when they get whacked in return. I think some of these idiots really do not know why they get whacked in return.

Throughout history men in power had always find such idiots very useful. And conversely so too.

So it goes from the days of the Egytian pharaohs & their priests, to Caesar & Paul, to Bush & his evangelist Graham...


Wednesday July 28, 2004

With Christian evangelism deepening the crisis, what is needed is Muslim humanitarian aid - Kalinga Seneviratne

The invasion of Iraq has been followed quietly by another invasion – that of Christian missionaries, mainly from the United States and South Korea, who often disguise themselves as civilian contractors, aid workers or businessmen. Their main objective is to spread the "good word" to Muslims in Iraq, where only 750,000 of the country's 25 million people are Christians. Some of these "contractors" have been taken hostage by Islamic militants.

One of them, South Korean Kim Sun Il, was beheaded. Mr Kim worked for a South Korean company which delivered military supplies. But he was also a fervent Christian who was learning Arabic in order to spread the gospel in Iraq - which made him a prime target for Islamic militants.

Fanatical Christian evangelists, who believe that the "divine spirit" has sent them to Baghdad to minister to the country's Muslim population, are deepening the conflict there.

Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi recently offered to send a medical team and to help mobilise the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) member states to help rebuild Iraq. It showed a recognition on Mr Abdullah's part that what is needed in Iraq is not more troops or Christian missionaries, but more Muslim humanitarian aid groups to work hand-in-hand with their Muslim brothers. Iraqis need to be reassured that the foreigners offering to help them are not part of a colonialist plot hatched in Washington by President George W Bush's neo-conservative Christian supporters. This suspicion has contributed to the violence against so-called foreign contractors.

In February, an American Baptist missionary was killed execution-style and two others were wounded. They were in Iraq to open the country's first Baptist church.

In April, seven South Korean missionaries from the Korean Council of Evangelical Churches were detained by Islamic militants while en route to Mosul to open a missionary school. They were later released following behind-the-scenes negotiations with the kidnappers.

Recently, an Islamic group in Iraq threatened to kidnap and behead any Korean Christian missionary who set foot in the country. Some missionaries have military backgrounds. Mr John Kelly, the Baptist missionary gunned down in February, was a former US Marine who had studied Arabic. America's Southern Baptist Church, one of the leading lights of the fundamentalist evangelical movement, offers training on how missionaries can disguise their evangelical work.

Two such trainees, Mr Craig Johnson and Mr Michael Jones, told the Wall Street Journal in May that they went to Iraq at their pastor's suggestion in June last year to explore business opportunities. Mr Johnson works for a natural gas utility and he typifies the new breed of American evangelist who believes in "spreading America's good fortune" to other lands through business and proselytising.

One of the leading exponents of this brand of Christian evangelism is Rev Franklin Graham, the former leader of the Southern Baptist Convention, who called Islam "an evil religion" after the 911 attacks. He heads the Samaritan's Purse, a Christian disaster relief ministry which had a budget of US$194 million ($334 million) last year. Rev Graham is a close friend of Mr Bush and prayed with him on the eve of the war. He also delivered the sermon at Mr Bush's inauguration and was invited to lead the Good Friday prayer at the Pentagon this year. Even before hostilities began, Samaritan's Purse stockpiled food, housing materials and other goods in Jordan for victims of the war and waited for the signal to enter Iraq.

Rev Graham's teams now provide for the needs of more than 100,000 Iraqi Muslims made destitute by the war. And Iraqi Christian groups hand out Arabic-language Bibles and related literature produced with American funds

With an estimated 12,000 missionaries worldwide, South Korea is home to some of the world's most aggressive Christian evangelists. South Korean missionary Kwon Hyuk Gan told the Kookmin Ilbo daily in Seoul that nine churches have been set up in Iraq by Korean missionaries since the US occupation began.

Prof Paul Boyer, professor emeritus of history at the University of Wisconsin, warned that these fundamentalist crusaders pose a grave threat to world peace because of their belief in the second coming of Christ and the need to liberate Jerusalem (of Muslims) to facilitate it.

The "shadowy but vital way that belief in Biblical prophecy is helping to mould grassroots attitudes towards current US foreign policy" is a dangerous trend, he has said, and one that must be reversed.

The writer is a journalist, broadcaster and media analyst who currently teaches broadcast communications in Singapore. If you have a view on this, email us at

Monday, July 26, 2004

Mousy Ideas

There are people who believe that this entire existence is created for them who were made specially by the Creators in the image of the Creators themselves.

To support that believe, a common example cited by these people, in what seems so obvious to them (unlike people like me), is the number of things 'created' by humans and thus how humans 'control everything around us'.

Thus, we have people like those in this article who think they had 'created' something new which therefore belongs to them (that's what patenting means if you are new to this game).

They thus think that they have the right to milk other humans for it (that's the only thing patenting facilitates if you are new to the history of the last century.)

However, what these people refuse (or try to avoid) to accept is that all they had done was discovered and played with the rules of Nature.

Admittedly, that's not a feat that other creatures or life-forms are capable of, thus the arrogance that gave rise to some people's believe that began a couple of thousand years ago (if you know what humans were capable of a couple of thousand years ago, that is a huge dose of supreme idiotic arrogance!).

If anything, all these certain humans had done is observed, analysed, understood and tweaked the way Nature is (and will always be till kingdom come, er, or for some idiots, till their king come again).

Another way of putting it is that the mouse that those people 'created' will not exist if the rules of Nature do not allow it. They had not created anything new, they merely tweaked Nature so that it expresses Itself in a new way (in the form of a new mouse). They can do that as long as they stay within the boundaries of Nature's laws.

What the other humans are saying is that hey we might have discovered a way of manipulating one aspect of Nature but we do not understand at all what its long term effects are on the entire eco-system on Earth (Earth only, a small speck in Nature's creation, hor). So, recognise but don't give exclusive rights to such discoveries if we cannot determine its effects (for those unGodlike ones that don't understand patenting, patent laws, not Nature's laws hor, require anyone who try to use, replicate, reproduce a method or outcome to get permission, after paying royalty, from their 'creators' before doing so. Hey, some people are more godlike than others?).

Another way of looking at this is this. Telling me that you have discovered that pressing a green button on a machine causes it to spit fire is fine and good but what the hell is the machine also doing? If we don't know, we had better make sure anyone that wants to take a look at the machine be allowed to do so without having to get permission from that guy that is pressing the green button.

If those people were to be more concerned about what effect their 'creations' will have on Nature as opposed to making more money through their patents, we would have less quibble.

But then, if that happens, there will be a lot less reason$ to be arrogant humans - which is very unGod-like for many followers of those supreme idiot$ from a few millenia ago....

Patents for Idiots:

Modern medicine and patenting started when some money hungry idiots realised that they could have made tonnes of money if they had laid their hands on what people like Fleming & Louis Pasteur discovered.

They now call those idiots' ideas capitalism & free market, and I can show you many an idiot that will swear by the greatness of these ideas. Over the last decade or so, the chief practitioner of these ideas, the US, had been trying to help the world progress along by doing a few things:

1. accord rights to the person who register any new discovery with their patent office regardless of whether the process or method had in fact been in use already. That means that one can steal an idea from another if that other is not fast or greedy enough to patent it. A good example are all the traditional cures from all cultures around the world which is why countries from Brazil, to South Africa, to India and China are up against them.

2. to extend the duration for patent rights especially medicine to 25 years from present 10-15 year (based on millenia old concept of the longer you milk the fatter you get)

3. doing bilateral agreements outside of the WTO to get other countries to agree on the above arrangements outside the know of the common people.

Some of you like me may wonder why smart people like Fleming and Pasteur are so dumb as not to come up with those same ideas. Such great minds usually don't do something for a good reason. Perhaps they understand that making money and milking others is like pressing a green start button on a fire spitting machine in a house of cards. Within Nature's laws and human-like, but perhaps undesirable and unGod-like.

But then the smarter capitalist idiots ask: how do we know for sure something is not so good? If we don't, we cannot judge and therefore should not change or stop others from doing something. It is within each individual's so-called 'rights' to do what they want, as long as it is done on a willing buyer willing seller basis. But if that's the case, why force (in some cases by killing) others to pay royalty, practice capitalism, stop selling WMDs to others, and so on?

Hah, those are different things entirely for those who don't do that are evil empires... sounds familiar?

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Idiots' Paradise

The Americans, British and Australians colluded in bluffing the entire world into believing that their effort of robbing the wealth of an oil rich country was for the freedom of the ones they subjugate.

And every time they get whacked back they label the others (from Sitting Bull to Ho Chi Minh to now Sadr) terrorists to again try and bluff the simple idiots of the world.

As usual, they are successful (but only to some degree). I know of people who really believed that and who tried to argue with me when I first challenged their effort 2 years ago.

These people claimed that people like me were conspiracy theorists, have too much time on my hands etc.

2 years later (that's an awfully long time for our modern world where info travels at speed of light but we can be forgiving) when even the idiots of the world now realised what had really happened, their leaders again tried to bluff the world - you saw how stupid all those 'special commission shows' were? If you believe their findings that all their combined intelligence were useless and orchestrated greed is not at play, then you should check your own (supreme ego notwithstanding).

History offers great lessons to those that try to learn from it. Those who don't will make simplistic conclusions to save themselves the effort.

The history of the hundreds of years of anglo saxon adventures (at the expense of others) are littered with examples such as that in this article:

Wars can be paradise for idiots like those American soldiers and their leaders who tried to bluff the other idiots of the world.

But then again, for those that never learn from history, this entire existence is an effort saving paradise...