Below is a news item from today's Straits Times in Singapore.
The woman's sin is doing business with fellow men of the 'wrong' colour!
Despite all the ill-gotten advantages passed on them by their forefasters some whites still do whatever they can to retain that veil of supremacy. Even if it includes harming their equally superior whites. If those white Afrikaners below can do that in this time and age, can one possibly imagine what their ancestors could actually do to the blacks over the last few centuries? (sorry, not just the blacks but that's a bit too much for many to take).
For some friends of mine who are newcomers to the Christian faith who so surely tell me that they cannot understand why people like me cannot accept the Bible since its effect on people is 'clearly good', the above must be new to them. So too would the fact that more than 1,000 years with the Bible had done nothing to make any good out of those Afrikaners. Some will undoubtedly say that the Afrikaners did not truly follow the faith. If that's the case I suggest they go tell it to the Afrikaners in South Africa and see which letter get carved on their bodies. Then how I wish we can turn the clock back about 100 years before they do that. For if my wish can be met, my faith tells me there's a high chance I'll not see those friends of mine again. But then, I wonder who would have the faith to do that then.
Most Afrikaners will tell you they are devout Christians. Same way that Pauline Hanson claimed that Christianity is 'the white man's way of life'. It is their faith. Same way that those friends of mine say that that's all that matters: faith. Of course faithful as she undoubtedly is, Pauline Hanson did not take the Bible literally. But 'do not take things literally' is exactly what those newcomer Christians tell me to do when they cannot explain contradictions with modern knowledge (i.e. science). They say do not take the Bible literally. Well, one of those friends of mine has to go tell Pauline Hanson that she is right after all....literally, please.
When I cannot reconcile things like the above and wonder at how they can do so, some of them tell me not to think that they are stupid. Of course, I would not dare say so literally but non-literally it must have appeared so to them, remembering that they are the experts at the non-literals.
So I have to put this down literally: I dare not say they are stupid, I just don't suppose they are as smart as they think they are. Some good may come of it if they take the same position themselves. Then they can walk the streets with some respect for the others - including their forefathers whose different faith some of them may find so inferior (some of them actually say so literally).
'K' carved on her chest for serving blacks
JOHANNESBURG - Ms Wanda Stoffberg says that racism was force-fed to her every day as a blonde Afrikaner child growing up in South Africa. Two balaclava-clad men used a knife to carve the letter 'K' on Ms Stoffberg's chest. -- AFP
'One day you wake up and realise you have been part of something so bad and so wrong, for so long,' she said two weeks after two balaclava-clad white men attacked her with a piece of wood, carved a 'K' into her left breast, and told her she was a 'kaffirboetie' - a 'nigger-lover'. They objected to the fact that she served black and coloured (mixed-race) clients at her butcher's shop in George, an Afrikaner-dominated town in the far south. One of the men told her: 'This is a message from our boss,' and then said that 'kaffirboeties' were not permitted to stay in George, she told a racism conference two weeks afterwards.
She kept it quiet at first, but told the conference that the men had also abused her sexually in the July 30 attack. 'They kicked me like a dog and sexually abused me,' she said. She spoke out, she said, because 'I decided to stand up for the truth for once in my life, a truth which many of us are still in denial of'.
She added: 'We should not tolerate any form of discrimination or racism in our country. The perpetrators should be punished. This is the humble message I want to bring to you. I want something positive to come from this. We are a nation in the process of healing.'
Police have posted a reward of up to 10,000 rand (S$2,200) for information leading to the arrest and conviction
of the two men.--AFP
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