(Comments posted in Malaysia Today)
Geniuses are born out of the environment they live in and a product of their eco-system.
History has shown that humanity made significant leaps in the standard of living for most of its people only in the last 200 years or so, as a result of modern science and the Industrial Revolution.
In Asia, one only has to look back 3 generations or less. Before that, unless you are some 'tuans' (lords) most of the rest lived wretched lives no better than that of slaves or animals. [According to my father, my grandfather came to Malaya from China 100 years ago with only 1 shirt and a pair of pants. When he died, that was also all he left behind. Part of the cause was because he was an opium smoker]
Some historians estimated that modern technology enabled an average human today to live the life of one who had the equivalent of 30 to 40 slaves in the past. They averaged things out over all 6+ billion people (400 million in India today do not even have electricity). Those flying around on airplanes or proton cars for fun would appreciate that it would not be not possible 200 years ago without technology even if they tuaned (lorded) a million slaves.
[That's why supposedly god's son, god's agents etc. had god's permission to own female slaves but could not fly. Yes, all knowing and powerful gods cannot get their sons and agents to fly or make airplanes but ride donkeys, camels and slaves? And go around 'saving' others using wild animals with swords but no F15s and M1 Abrams? Send a battalion of those things out and those Romans and Sassanians would have submitted without a fight! Instead, one god’s bugger got nailed by a few Romans and suckers think it was a ‘great sacrifice’. Gods send messages without even paper, DVD or thumbdrive? That's why suckers that loudly extol those characters today are known as ‘idiots from the dark ages’]
The great leap in technology came about because of the development of rational thought (of which science and maths are the results) in place of ‘faiths’ in some parts of the world where people (along with some protestants) managed to free themselves from the feudal lords and religious idiots tuaning over them from places like Rome and due to the availability of a cheap information (and therefore knowledge) spreading technology called paper and printing.
Stephen Hawking in his book 'God created the Integers' listed 17 great mathematicians without whose breakthroughs today's advanced physics would not be possible. Of that,
- 2 came before the coming of a god's son (Euclid of Egypt, Archimedes of Sicily),
- 1 came before coming of a god's messenger (Diophantus of Egypt),
- 14 came after the arrival of paper & printing in Europe
Of the last 14, 4 were British, 4 French, 6 Germans. Can see the protestant link? German’s contribution was shorted by one because Hawking (a Brit) attributed Calculus to Newton and left out the German Liebniz whose symbols for Calculus we use today [the same way some people think Euclid and Diophantus were Greeks and not Egyptians].
That is one reason why the other animals gang up to whack the Germans. Out of the European 'sovereign debt crisis’ even those without history may notice signs of who the real big brother (and idiotic spoiler) of Europe today is.
[The concept of space-time curvature that many attribute to Einstein (and his Relativity) would not be possible without the geometry of Riemann, a German. Einstein was a German Jew who did not speak any Jewish language and whose dying words were in German. Some idiots from the dark ages today cite Einstein as proof that their religion is ‘the truth’ because his ‘genius’ supports their holy book’s claim that Jews are ‘god’s chosen people’. Einstein on the other hand said people who believe in personal gods are ‘child-like’ – see above for reason why]
In between the first 3 mathematicians and the others is a period of 1,200 years of little major mathematical progress. The period historians call 'the dark ages' falls within that gap.
During that gap, that part of the world was tuaned by 2 groups of people: feudal lords who settle things with swords and religious zealots who burnt disagreeable people on stakes.
[See what happened to Egypt since Diophantus? They went into deep freeze after the coming of some idiots]
With today’s Thievesland tuaned by thieves with crooked knives and a set of idiots from the dark ages, what chance do you think history would give a potential genius to bloom?
There is a higher chance that animals like Ibrahim Ali would do to them what the Anglo-Saxons did to the Germans…