Some one once said that I am an atheist because I laughed at his religion and the likes (god knows what logic that was - dont like his religion therefore atheist).
And we should not refer to history for past religious stupidities to justify more such laughters. Don't know why history 'no pakai' - the moment one looks at oneself in the mirror it is history one is looking at (whether one laughs at it or not is another matter) but that seems too trivial to ponder (compared to those other things he deals with).
Heck, even the book these fellas read with wonder are tales from time be-yonder used to impress simpler minds of the past!
'Such comments no respect', say others.
So what next? So I try to look at the future lor.
Like when teachers of the future start teaching the kids of these fellas about the stars, galaxies and the universe, and share with them the size of these things so insignificant (or unknown?) to such present day faithfools. If you don't know about such things, it's because you are living in the past - way past the present - but your kids of the future may just reflect like I do below.
The average size of a galaxy is 100,000 to 120,000 light years across - ours the Milky Way is less than that, only 90,000.
The next level astronomical entity is the galaxy group or cluster which average at about 6 million light years across.
And god knows (do your deity knows?) how many galaxy groups there are in the universe.
If all this is not in your book, too bad. Who ask you to read low end fictions?
In this order of things, a man to god is much lesser than a virus is to a man, may be barely a supersub-microvirus.
So those who believe that they are made in the image of god must be full of themselves to dare imagine that anything lesser than a virus could be anywhere close to man-like (analogically speaking), and a man would bother to squeeze his only son into a supersub-microvirus to save all such sub-virus-likes.
And such an important man as god running an empire the size of the universe would bother to find time to talk to these sub-viruses every day as some sub-viruses claim they could do?
Or would let those sub-viruses come to his 'home to be with him' when the sub-virus die? Swipe those brain-dead pests with alchohol is what that poor man would say, I'd say. What say you other sub-virus?
So now, shall we talk aboout your religion with respect to the past, present or future?
Before that, which of these are you at in the first place?
Another Chinaman I know of was so impressed with his newfound idol (they all are those new broomy sub-viruses) that he claimed that the reason why I am not like him was because I did not really 'searched'. He said 'search for him and you shall find that he is the true god. Look at my wife, she did not really search until she knew me and now she is a faithful'.
I told him this:
"I don't really know you and if I do I could perhaps give some more earthly reasons as to why you claimed what you did, there are not many possibilities, but it would not be very nice. However, may be we can do a bit of mental exercise and go back a few hundred years in time (history again?).
With 4,000 years of recorded history (if you don't know this go read history), do you know if any chinamen then or before had recorded anywhere about finding this supposedly great idol of yours? No? Then it couldn't be that none of the billions of chinamen of the past had not really searched."
In my mind this was what I was also thinking:
"Your forefathers and parents not as good as you hah? Those useless fellas sure make you feel good hor? And only present day chinamen like you and your wife are so 'special' as to be able to really search and smart enough to find him? And only super-you could 'bring light' to your wife?
No wonder you don't believe in evolution and associated concepts like gene inheritance (sure, your cheap book never mentioned these). If not, it would be too easy to explain how such useless forefathers could have produced someone like you hor?"
I could see the blank stunned look on the wife's face (that proved that women are better at reading between the lines?).
But this fella persisted and said that nothing he could do will convince me. At least he got this one right, I have my strong convictions which I hold to faithfully too. And he proceeded to give the history of his 'defining moment' and volunteered the kind of answer I mentioned in my opening statement to him.
Apparently, he was asked to stand in for his boss in the last minute for a SWIFT application upgrade 20 plus years ago, days when they used 8 inch diskettes and Wang machines which were much slower than present day PCs. And despite following the installation instructions, the system would not come up. In desperation, he went on his knees to ask for 'his' help and miraculously it worked after that. This apparently convinced our fella that his faith was not misplaced.
This is a true story.
Of course, I was too nice not to tell him then what we systems fellas know - that if the thing worked it was most proabablybecause the programmer that did the installation programs was smart enough to do auto restart and that bloody Wang machine was very slow. So by the time his frenzied prayer was up, so was the system!
You see, those are the kinds of supposedly faithful people I come across. Full of misplaced convictions and more than a bit full of themselves (making a fool of themselves is the other thing).
I am sure there are many more out there like that - some just a bit too ashamed to talk about it or more likely couldn't even convince themselves.
So they leave history and respect for ancestors to less divine people like me lor....
In celebration of Ching Ming this week from a chinaman that occasionally likes to remind other chinamen what they truly are no matter what color they fancy - just another sub-virus full of their er ...
Aiyah which way to look, history or future?