This Bush fella had the 'greatest military' in the world backed by the world's 'greatest system of government' and 'biggest economy' supported by the 'wonders of the free market', and he could not even keep his own 'most free' people happy with the way the entire system he brags about responds to a natural disaster at home!?
As to claims that the slow response was due to the fact that the majority of affected people are blacks, I wonder what else these blacks need to do to be treated as 'equal' beings. Except for their skin, they had already changed everything they could to follow the 'white man' including name change and religion.
One earlier report had '30 airplanes working round the clock to ferry affected Americans to safety'. Compare that to the hundreds our fella deployed to bomb the hell out of Iraq, that must be instructive in giving a sense of what is 'more important' to this fella.
Of course, all such reports of anger at the way my favorite 21st Century Idiot had responded to this problem in his own backyard could well be a tonne of hogwash by a bunch of unreasonable fellow Americans.
If these views are not entirely false, it makes us wonder how on earth some fools could have believed that Bush was really out to save the Iraqis (people Bush would have called 'coloreds' if they are Americans) and do the whole world some good.
Just another hour of the idiots....